Executive Shendi: National media is Sudan's first line of defense

The executive director of Shindi locality, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, confirmed that national media constitute Sudan's first line of defense and must be at the forefront of all others.

In his speech at the end of the course on new media and public speaking, held at Shendi TV, he said that the media can only be at the forefront through continuous training and evolution, because science is new every day. , and the weight of talents and the increase of skill efficiency are important, especially for media professionals, to be comprehensive.

He stressed that the war that Sudan is currently witnessing is above all a media war and that he played a more important role in it than military action.

The Executive Director of Shindi locality, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, praised the great effort presented by the prominent media personalities, Dr. Faisal Abdullah and Dr. Hatem Al-Sheikh, who are among the media personalities in Sudan and on the radio Sudanese. .

For his part, Director of the General Administration of Information, Culture and Communications in Shindi Bakri, Al-Sayyed Al-Azraq, said that training operations continue and this course on new media and public speaking was preceded by a course in visual photography and photography, and was preceded by an advocacy course, and before that by a course in mobile journalism.

Al-Arzak said his administration gives the training process a priority in annual plans and that exceptions and changes in programs do not occur unless a course can include something new.

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