Exoneration of the tax director… complaints and intimidation – behind the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*The transitional period ended objectively with the outbreak of war in April 2023 AD, and temporally and in accordance with the agreement since October 2023 AD*

*The war created an exceptional situation, making the recovery of Darfur itself a national duty above all other duties*

*There are no offers or benefits for anyone who fights alongside the army, whether as a volunteer or a conscript. It is his duty and it is his decision, and no one forced him to do it.*

*The need to open a national dialogue on the Juba Peace Agreement and agree on a new vision that preserves the gains of peace*

*The tax director is a civil servant and is subject to its law*

*The dismissed director has the right to appeal the decision administratively and has the right to appeal to the judiciary*

*Making this decision should not be grounds for complaint and intimidation, and demanding that it be reversed is ignorance of the law*

*The Constitutional Conference is the ideal place to discuss issues of war and peace*

The Director of Taxes, Mr. Muhammad Ali Sharaf al-Din, was dismissed. Although the dismissal of an employee does not cause controversy like the one that accompanied this dismissal, regarding the performance of the manager, and whether this performance was acceptable or not, otherwise Mr. Sharaf al-Din was strict regarding the arrears of some businessmen or lenient with others, in the end he is a civil servant and is subject to its laws to remain an employee. independent according to the job description, and he should not be subject to the classification according to which he is affiliated with one party rather than another. Assuming that a public job is subject to private law, and private The year is limited, and therefore the dismissed employee has. the right to follow the regulations and laws and to resort to the Service Affairs Bureau, and to appeal the decision to dismiss him. He can also, of course, resort to the judiciary after exhausting the administrative procedures. , including senior officials and heads of government units, and they have resumed their work with judicial decisions, including employees of the tax office itself and the Ministry of Finance, including ambassadors, police officers and judges, and this is justice. is wronged, he resorts to the judicial system.

Some leaders of the peace parties in Juba should not have taken this decision as a reason for complaint, intimidation and protest against the decision to dismiss the tax director, as was proposed in the news. be discussed at the highest level and, above all, does not require the circulation of harsh expressions. We thought we had said goodbye to it forever, especially after some peace parties joined in supporting the government and engaged in the fight alongside the army. would not have justified discontent and protest.

Whoever fights the rebel militias, individually or in groups, is supposed to do so for patriotic reasons and to defend family, honor and land. There is no room for bidding, and we say this as we have said before. Islamists: there is no offer and no advantage for anyone who fights alongside the army, whether as a volunteer or a conscript. It is his duty and it is his decision, and no one forced him to do it. has not yet decided on compulsory conscription.

The Juba Peace Agreement was signed on October 3, 2020 AD, and according to the text of the agreement, the transitional period continues for a period of (39) months from the date of signing the agreement, and thus the transitional period ends (ended) on October 3, 2023 AD, and there is no text indicating its renewal or the terms of its renewal. It is known that a number of the parties to the agreement have joined the rebel militia and are fighting in its ranks against the government army. with which it signed the agreement. However, the government has not been harsh on the other parties, which announced their exit from neutrality in November 2023, (7) months after the outbreak of the rebellion, and joined the fighting in the army mobilizations in. April 2024 AD. Of course, this is a responsible national position, but it cannot give rise to any privilege. Hundreds of thousands of Sudanese volunteers participated in the battle, and their goal was not to obtain any privileges other than the honor of defending the homeland. Thousands of soldiers and hundreds of officers and senior officers were martyred to defend their country. Hundreds of mobilized personnel and popular resistance responded to the call of their Lord by fleeing the land and honor. civilians who were killed in El Geneina, El Fasher, Khartoum and Wad El Noura, in the villages of Al Jazeera, Sennar and in any region.

According to the Juba Peace Agreement, the transitional period ended objectively with the outbreak of war in April 2023 AD, and temporarily since October 2023 AD according to the peace agreement itself. Undoubtedly, the war has hindered the implementation of some of the provisions of the peace agreement. the agreement, the most important of which is the clause on security arrangements, and the war has created an exceptional situation. It makes the restoration of Darfur itself a national duty that surpasses all other duties. However, preserving the Juba Peace Agreement requires reconsidering and reconsidering it. working seriously to reach a new consensus due to the exceptional situation imposed by the war. This is a statement of frankness, transparency and defense of national interests, and it is an opportunity to recall what I have previously suggested and what I have said. Others spoke of the need to open a responsible national dialogue on the Juba peace agreement and to agree on a new vision that preserves the gains of peace. This is one of the most important issues of the Constitutional Conference, and an example was given by Al. -Rukban, (Al-Nas). What is there… and what is Hassaniyah talking about?

With all due respect to our Hassaniyya people,

September 8, 2024 AD

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