Expanding Security and Fighting Crime: The Strong Hand of Police in Northern State ✍️ Department of Mr. Abdul Wahab

In the name of God the most merciful, the most merciful

✍️ Mr. Abdel Wahab’s column

No one disputes that the police are one of the most important agencies of the state and that its core personnel are those who ensure the security of the state, and that their main mission is to protect people and property through public assistance, law enforcement, crime prevention, maintaining public order, conducting preliminary investigations, carrying out patrol work and arresting criminals and lawbreakers. There are services that provide their services to the public through their windows throughout the country, such as traffic police, passports, civil registry, customs, hospitals and other similar services.

The police, including officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers, are also participating in the Battle of Dignity and have provided columns of martyrs as sacrifices for this country. The police have also secured the areas that have been cleansed of the filth of this oppressive militia. and carry out humanitarian work in the event of rain and torrential rains that the country is witnessing these days.

Northern State, thanks to God Almighty, is considered one of the safest states and thanks to those in charge of its affairs and hierarchy, Mr. Governor of Northern State, Mr. Abdeen Awadallah Muhammad, the members of his security committee, and the members of his government, including constitutional, executive and security officials.

The Northern State Police has a robust security plan, assumptions and scenarios of security threats and various security risks in accordance with well-studied procedures to provide a safe environment for citizens.

Since alcohol is considered one of the causes of crime, the Eastern Nile Police Department, with a joint force led by Major Mohamed Mudawi, Head of the Eastern Nile Police Department, launched a campaign in the municipal alcohol areas, where a municipal alcohol factory was seized containing quantities of araki packed in crystal prepared for sale, various distillation tools and dates ready to be distilled. These prevention campaigns aim to reduce crime in its various forms and eliminate negative phenomena in society. of the Eastern Nile unit, and they are full of praise and thanks to the personnel and leaders of the police, His Excellency Major General Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Al-Amin, Director of the Northern State Police, and His Excellency Brigadier General Kamal Muhammad Othman The Director of the Public Affairs Department and His Excellency Brigadier General Dr. Adel Muhammad Abdel Rahim, Director of the Dongola Local Police, who supervise and closely follow up these and other campaigns. Let us not forget the role of the Narcotics Control Department, which conducts periodic campaigns to control these poisons and their dealers, as well as the investigation police, which managed to recover part of the stolen goods in kind and money inside the state, as well as in Khartoum State, and the accused were arrested pending trial

Salute to all police officers, leaders, officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers on the front lines of the battle of Karama, and to those stationed in the stands, wherever they may be.

Victory to our armed forces, our security forces, our police and our gathering forces as they strive to cleanse the country of the filth of this oppressive militia, and forgiveness and mercy for the martyrs and return of the missing.

God's victory and conquest are near

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