Federal Minister of State – Edge of the Sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

0 One of the most difficult types of assignments at work is being appointed as a minister or appointing a woman as minister. It is important despite the luxury of the position and fame in society, but in reality it is a major mission. requires you to weigh things with a certain amount of wisdom, knowledge and know-how. The success of a minister or minister is measured by his or her contributions and continued work in the service of the citizen and the nation. Success is not measured by lineage, prestige, reputation or fame, but it is measured by strategic plans and programs and is characterized by flexibility, away from rigidity, bureaucracy, functional rigidity and superior problem-solving skills.

0 A successful minister is one who possesses decision making and confidence and does not hesitate to make decisions and act to serve his country, his people and his employees with the utmost transparency, taste and smile.

0 I present this introduction to say that for more than two months, I have been following and monitoring with journalistic curiosity the movement of a number of ministers of the Northern State government, and because the pen is a trust, I say in all honesty that a Many ministers and local directors open their hearts to the great work they do in the service of the state, its citizens, its displaced people and those who arrive there from hell.

0 My attention has been drawn to the great effort and the appreciated and continuous work undertaken by the distinguished Minister, who is aware of what she does and does and how to present her book open to all, Professor Manal Makkawi, Minister of Social Affairs, who does what is beyond his capacity to inspect the needs of citizens, stop at shelters and take the initiative with other ministers to support the needy and provide. She wears school uniforms and school bags, moves from one locality to another. , solves problems, supports group marriage in all localities, and helps support the poor and needy, both the needy and the expatriates, by providing sacrificial meat. In short, Minister Manal Makkawi works without procrastinating and without hearing the phrase “under consideration”, which often causes harm to people due to obstruction and delay of interests. Thus, Minister Manal Makkawi was able to enter the hearts and everyone reciprocates with love and appreciation. It is enough that the captain of the ship of state and its able captain, Governor Abdeen Awadallah, is found in many of her programs, despite her many concerns, and that he is a luminous and supportive presence who represents, for her, a success certificate. .

0 Frankly and honestly, I say that Professor Manal Makkawi is a Minister of State with the rank of a Federal Minister. She reminds me of the female federal ministers who managed to succeed and excel over a number of ministers through their continued work and appreciable efforts, despite wartime conditions, as they moved from one state to another to rise above the heels of their ministries. We must salute and applaud the hands of successful female ministers, such as Professor Hazar Abdel Rasoul, Federal Minister of Youth and Sports, the Minister of Industry, Professor Mahasin Ali Yaqoub and the Minister of Investment, the Minister Ahlam Madani. . They confirmed in action the statement that women are the ones who put in effort, perseverance and consistent success.

0 Greetings in twos, threes and fours to the distinguished Minister Manal Makkawi, who has remained in the hearts of the people of the Northern State as waterfalls of loyalty, fountains of love and fountains of kindness. With this, he eliminated the entire Northern State government. It is our duty to say well done to those who did well, and to those who did badly, well done. We will criticize anything that deserves to be criticized in the interest of public interest, development and growth.

And tomorrow, Sudan, you will grow up.

Stay higher and stay cooler

0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue if there is a remainder in life, and God is behind the intention.

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