Financial benefits for Seaports Authority workers are a red line ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

The Seaports Authority is one of the important economic institutions that provides millions of dollars to the public exchequer and contributes significantly to the development of the economy.

This giant economic institution suffers from an obvious administrative defect which has caused a sharp decline in its performance over the past period due to internal and external circumstances.

The total number of workers of the Seaports Authority is estimated at around 17,800 workers, while the actual need does not exceed 7,000,000 workers only, while the rest of the workers fall under the umbrella surplus workers, or 10,200 workers. receive their salaries without work, which certainly constitutes a major imbalance and pressure on the port's resources.

Benefits for Maritime Port Authority workers have become a crisis as the current administration has failed to uphold them, which will certainly result in much-needed job cessation.

I continued to give constant advice to the Director General of the Seaports Authority, Captain Mohamed Hassan Mukhtar, on the need to pay attention to the concerns and problems of workers and improve the working environment, but he took no action. and I fear that the ax will fall on the head, since remorse is of no use.

The Seaports Authority does not lack financial capabilities, but it lacks high-performing minds who invest in those capabilities, the largest and most important of which is the human framework.

The Seaports Authority needs a CEO who is medically fit, able to give, who has an unconventional mindset, who is current and sophisticated, and who is ahead of the people in his thinking in all areas. aspects.

There is no objection to the Chief Executive Officer of the Seaports Authority being a resident of the State. This is a legitimate right, provided he is strong, trustworthy and possesses mature leadership qualities.

The Seaports Authority's social responsibility record requires an assessment of performance in terms of how funds are spent and on which projects they have been spent??? What are the procedures by which these funds are spent and who is responsible for their distribution??? them????.

Mr. President of the Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the People's Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, the file of the Seaports Authority is one of the files no less important than the war management, because war requires money, and the money is in the possession of the Seaports Authority, I hope that this institution will pay your special attention and treat it as an emergency file that cannot be postponed or procrastinated. The Maritime Port Authority has carried this matter in its entirety and submitted it to you and looks forward to a decision on this matter.

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