Five million pounds from agricultural projects in Shindi for those injured during operations

The Association of Agricultural Investment Projects of the locality of Shendi donated five million pounds for the benefit of those injured during the operations. The check was received by members of the Finance Committee, Major General (M) Moatasem Al-Jamri and the vice president of the association. The Abdul-Jabbar Muhammad Khairy association declared that this amount is the first payment among the donations provided by the association intended for those injured during the operations. Donations continue to support the war effort until the rebellion and its associates are eliminated at home and abroad.

He stressed that the association is embarking on this matter in accordance with God's command and fighting with your money and your life.

He explained that the association has contributed to many projects based on social responsibility, including the Mek Nimr Hospital oxygen plant, Nile station, a number of drinking water projects, etc.

For his part, Major General (M) Mutasim Al-Jamri welcomed the popular jostling with the armed forces and the contribution of agricultural entrepreneurs with this amount for the benefit of those injured during the operations.

Finance Committee member Saïf Hadbaï praised the project owners for providing this great support to those injured during operations, and this amount helps meet the needs for medicines and medical supplies.

It should be noted that MM. Abdul-Jabbar Muhammad, Asim Omar, Abdul-Wahab and Abdul-Azim Al-Awad of the Agricultural Projects Association presented the check to the relevant committee.

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