For any complaints or requests for information, call UNICEF at the unified number (6664), and the health service, where is the Minister…?! #The_Autre_Dimension ✍️ Musaab Brier

“I’m a fan of national radio. Last night I watched the television news, after which a dramatic awareness advertisement was broadcast on the use of mosquito nets and the control of disease vectors. To be honest, the advertising is very smooth. rich in valuable information, and the health messages requested from the listener are clear, I believe the timing of its release has also come at the right time, as we look forward to the fall period in most states of Sudan. ..

“I expected at the end of the advertising clip to hear a sentence with the usual greetings from the Department of Health Promotion of the Federal Ministry of Health, but I was surprised by a sentence: For complaints and requests For information, call UNICEF on the unified number. (6664). Oh, by God Almighty. I said, “Maybe I'm not focused and this is just daydream rambling,” so I decided to continue until the educational ad came out again, and I thanked God for my message. reason, because the same information was disseminated with premeditation and premeditation.

“I didn't believe it for a moment. Has UNICEF really become responsible for receiving health complaints and inquiries in our rational country?! I didn't need to consult any organization to prove the error of this approach, because I was a former director of the Federal Department of Health Promotion and I know with certainty the responsibility of UNICEF and its limitations, which do not include receiving complaints and requests information directly from citizens on public health issues What is new that has made UNICEF an implementer of health activities? Health?

» What is happening in the corridors of the Federal Ministry of Health until the situation reaches this point? Yes, UNICEF supports health promotion activities through its C4D department, but it has never broadcast advertisements on national radio or any of the Sudanese media channels announcing to its citizens that they have received it . For complaints and inquiries from the Federal Department of Health or State Departments of Health, is what was broadcast yesterday on national radio true or an unintentional error?!

“Where is the healthcare routine, Minister?! Until organizations started announcing to citizens that they were receiving complaints and inquiries on your behalf?! Where is your (virtual) General Administration for International Health from these horrible failures? Indeed, where is the (virtual) Federal Health Promotion Administration for these unsupervised advertisements, and where is the unified national center for complaints and investigations?! Who now follows the file of relations with international organizations and what are their relations with the state ministries of health?! How are the advertising awareness campaigns broadcast?! How is it designed?! Who reviews and approves it?! How is it financed?! Is this advertising card compatible with purchasing and contract law?!

After the last one:

In summary, state governance will be completely lost if the shortcomings that others consider minor are not brought under control, as they are only a test for the future. This is why international cooperation protocols must be implemented strictly and precisely. I want to put an end to these violations. Finally, it is time to reform the health system..?!

I didn't get it without God revealing it

God is enough and yes, the agent

O God, do not impose on us, because of our sins, those who do not fear you for us and do not have pity on us, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

#TheOther_Dimension | Brier Musaab |

Sunday (June 9, 2024 AD)

(email protected)

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