France and its agents in Sudan ✍️ Dr Abbas Taha Hamza Sobeir

Dear reader, at the beginning and to whet your cognitive appetite

I force you to read my article with the title above… I request you to kindly watch this video attached to this article and listen, enjoy and be sad at the same time..

Listen to this African lady

I greatly appreciate the values ​​and good morals that distinguish her, and she is a common property among human beings and transcends the barriers of borders of countries, religions, races and peoples… This African woman is courageous, educated, self-confident, honest and endowed with a zeal that does not stop at the borders of her homeland, but extends it to the countries of her African continent, and above all, she has received a dose of vaccination against… The virus of betrayal and work is spreading to an epidemic degree in our countries… In short, a woman weighs as much as a million men, and I don't say men because not all men are. men, notably the men of the majority of African leaders who work as loyal employees for the benefit of France, which rewards them for their great services by ensuring that they remain in the seats of government of their country to in fact be the partners in all his crimes against their people… the proof. it is that this courageous patriotic lady, through this video and in the language of numbers, makes you sad and your sadness is shared by all the honorable, oppressed and mocked people of the African continent, and she exposes to you the immoral and inhumane practices that France continues… this country criminal colonialism implements it in its former colonial countries and in others, where it, through its ministers and agents in power, steals the resources of the people of the African continent for astronomical billions, while the people of the continent live on less than subsistence and their populations suffer humiliation, hunger, poverty, disease and poor levels of health and education services…

After watching the video to the end, you will surely feel dizzy and nauseous, and your anger will increase when you learn that this French model of enslaving people and stealing their resources is a model that is being replicated and currently practiced by all. imperialist powers led by America and Europe in all third world countries and on all continents of the world.

The urgent question that arises when we are in such a state of misery, dependence and employment towards the imperialist countries is why the majority of our leaders, who are the agents of colonialism and colonialism in our countries, insist on the importance of throwing ashes on our eyes and their insistence on celebrating the independence of our countries every year, and they spend from our empty coffers for celebrations empty in form and content, and it is reasonable to have an alternative to the horrors of exploitation. Adults instead of independence…ultimately…but the truth remains…

You can hear if you are calling a living person, but there is no life for the one you are calling.

If a fire was lit there, it would light up, but if it burned to ashes…

Coming back to my article… it is an article closely related to what you saw, dear reader, in this video, where criminal France, with the participation of the majority of European and American countries, supported the Rapid support in its war against our people… France organized a conference for Sudan which seemed humanitarian, but the essence of which was conspiracy and torment… and financed it with the money of our peoples that France stole and still steals, financed and organized the Sudan conference. great conspiracy against Sudan and its people, with the declared and essential participation of the leaders of the shameless parties and traitors to its religion, its country and its people, led by the symbol of treason and his collaborators, Abdullah Hamdok. These parties represent the political incubator. of the criminal Rapid Support and are a genuine partner in all his crimes, which he committed against Sudan and its people, including murder, pillage, pillage, rape, occupation, destruction of private property and public and disruption of services….

In this article, we spoke to these traitors and agents, addressed their names, and explained the seriousness of their betrayal and collusion.

Against their homeland and their people, while they made themselves the instruments of the destruction and ruin of their country, Sudan, in the hands of France and other imperialist countries specialized in the colonization and colonization of peoples .

France, which welcomes you, you bastards, traitors and agents, oh Hamdok, Khaled Sallak, Yasser Arman, Maryam Al-Sadiq, Jaafar Hassan and the rest of the ungenerous group, and which conspires with you against the Sudanese people for you name who governs them, while the naked woman who covers our neighbors, as the Sudanese proverb says, is the greatest killer and thief of the people's wealth, according to the testimony of all Algerians and a million of them and of all their martyrs and of all the people of the country. the former French colonies of Africa, and they still seize these riches and exercise guardianship over the people…….How are you, you dwarves, who eat forbidden sins?

How can you seek good from pure evil… How can your lame logic allow you to seek refuge from ashes with fire… How and why are you dogs who love to strangle your own people …How and for how much did you sell the blood of the Sudanese people, as those who chanted against you asked you? Outside the conference room…

What have you done with the unconsciousness and stupidity of your conscience by daring to commit all this low level of treason and collusion against your country, your people and the honor of your people in Khartoum, in the Jazeera, in Kordofan, Darfur and all Sudanese towns and villages……

How much money did France pay you and steal? And it continues to steal it from the vulnerable people of Africa and Sudan through the windows of private gold mines and in the suburbs of Sudan…

What did you discuss at the Paris conference and in its dark halls if not the presence of the mighty avenger, when the Sudanese people were informed that the French and European leaders were conspiring against them and with your help, oh invader and the one who ate the crumbs from the tables of wickedness of the forbidden.. What was the agenda of your conspiracy against your people that we do not know… God knows, and He alone is Glory to Him He will defeat the plots of the traitors and . defeat the criminals and the French…

These videos, as well as the scenes, evidence and chants they contain against you and your selling of the blood of the Sudanese people, will remain undeniable and falsified documents that will remain in the memory of the history of the Sudanese nation, addressing your absent and clinically dead consciences. With your betrayal and your work against your people, you have stood on the wrong side of history, and the Sudanese people will curse you, and your children will disown you and your grandchildren, and they will be ashamed of it. part. YOU. I would like you to hesitate with me and take a dose of chivalry and self-esteem that you lack and which is available in abundance in Antarah bin Shaddad…

Don't give me a drink of the cup of life…but rather give me a cup of bitter melon with pride…

The cup of life is a suit like hell, and hell with glory is the best home…

And defend the fight for your dignity, God help you…

Dr Abbas Taha Hamza Sobeer

University of Khartoum

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