Friday Asmar – Edge of the sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

0 During his meeting with Al-Shorouk Al-Masria, Lieutenant General Yasser Al-Atta, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, said that the army and joint forces control the situation on the ground in all axes combat, but that the fact that the terrorist militias are hiding among the citizens and their homes has caused a delay in the conduct of operations, and that Hemedti is an ignoramus and a liar, and that his accusation against Egypt does not is not true and justifies his defeat. Lieutenant General Al-Atta confirmed that after the end of the war, God willing, the Juba peace agreement will be evaluated and evaluated in the direction of peace and an agreement on a transition period .

0 With a strong and firm faith that does not budge, a force of special forces managed to eliminate a magician and a charlatan inside one of the luxurious citizens' houses, where they killed him and the mercenaries of the terrorist militia with him. The army of Gogo and the archer is ahead and victorious, God willing.

0 A number of governors, less than the number of fingers on a hand, are on the verge of being sacked. Among them is a character who should not be removed from office. Wait and be on time.

0 Why don't the Sudanese communities abroad take the initiative to create a fund and force each expatriate to pay just five dollars to support the armed forces and the battle of Karama? .

0 Why doesn't the Minister of Interior visit the areas of Al-Manaqil, Jabal Moya, Sennar and the White Nile, observe the efforts of the police forces and report their morale as they fight alongside the army and joint forces? just one question!!

0 Professor Hazar Abdel Rasoul, Minister of Youth and Sports, mourned world-class swimmer Abdel Majeed Sultan Kejab and said we miss him a lot, as it was he who raised the Sudanese flag and played the Republican anthem for him in numerous international forums. , noting that he was the fruit of advice and that he had a constant presence on all occasions when he was in Sudan, which I loved him and gave him a lot, in addition to the fact that he had good morals and that he was loved by all. I asked God for mercy and forgiveness for him and to accept him as a friend and a good companion to those.

0 The Sudanese National Council for Medical Specialties will hold a press conference next Sunday at eleven o'clock in the buildings of the Faculty of Technology of Dongola University to discuss the entrance exams (first part and selection), which are scheduled for Saturday October 26, 2024 AD.

0 On the occasion of the Northern State, why does the State not benefit from the expertise that has been provided to it in various fields, like what other States have done? For example, but not limited to, is it possible that the State does not benefit from the services of an expert and founder of several radio stations, like Professor Salah Al-Toum? He is one of dozens of experts in different fields!!

0 Soon I will tell you about many shortcomings of the Red Crescent Society in the North. Wait and be with us.

0 I ask God, on this blessed Friday, to grant victory to our armed forces, restore security and safety to the country and its people, and make Sudan better than it was.

And tomorrow, Sudan, you will grow up.

Stay higher and stay cooler

0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue if there is any remaining life. I swear there is no intention behind this.

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