Friendly Exchange between Foreign Journalists Association and Shendi University ✍️ Salah Ahmudi

Today, Wednesday, is a day that will remain eternal for the citizens of Shendi and expatriates in the development accommodation centers and Kamel Ibrahim on the occasion of the circumcision of 27 children of expatriate families within the framework of the Conviviality Initiative, which embodied conviviality in all its meanings in cooperation and executive, popular and media participation in an initiative that created a cultural, societal and entertainment movement.

Professor Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Executive Director of Shendi Dama Locality, confirmed his support for all community initiatives and congratulated the Expatriate Media Professionals Association, saying that it supports all local political and economic activities, supports the armed forces in the war of dignity, and refuted the rumors spread by the Rapid Support Forces and their supporters in arrogant countries.

He announced his full support for all community initiatives organized by the Association of Expatriate Journalists.

Abdul Ghani Khalifa, Executive Director of the Sons of Shindi Initiative, praised the Al-Wad Initiative and the excellent work it has done in circumcising expatriate children.

He appreciated the role of expatriate media professionals in supporting the Sons of Shindi initiative, which welcomed all expatriates.

I came to Shendi and provided them with accommodation, food and drink.

The speaker at the festive evening was Dr. Lamia Al-Tayeb Al-Hadi, Dean of the College of Nursing at Shendi University, stressing that the College of Community Development and the College of Nursing have continued to provide their services to rural citizens and expatriates in Shendi. She stressed that the participation of Shendi University in the Media Association and the Friendliness Initiative has had a positive impact on the families of expatriates in Bakhtan.

Professor Elias Abdel Rahman, Chairman of the Shindi Media Professionals Association, confirmed that the association had created a major media and social movement and said that it had participated in all occasions, including the dignity camps in Shindi and the dignity war, to support and support the armed forces. He praised the support of the Association's executive director and its programs, as well as the partnership with Shindi University.

The journalist, radio personality, member of the association and owner of the Al-Wad initiative thanked all those who contributed and supported the initiative until it achieved its goals of circumcising children from expatriate families.

The cultural evening saw the participation of many artists singing biographical and heritage songs, which received a great response from the audience with hooting and dancing.

The presence of the circumcised children and their families was a creative and folkloric painting.

The celebration was attended by Dr. Major Hisham Al-Sheikh, Head of the Moral Guidance and Military Information Division, a police representative and many popular figures led by Khaled Amer Jamal Al-Din, families staying in shelters, students from Shendi University and media professionals from the association.

The radio concert was hosted by the talented Abdel Wahab Abdel Moneim, and he was, as usual, at the peak of his performance and assiduity.

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