Gedaref Governor Takes Constant Measures So Far – It's No Secret – ✍️ Ahmed Babakir Al-Makabrabi

  • His Excellency Army Corps General Mohamed Ahmed Hassan

He took over the leadership of Gedaref State in recent months, but the man found many files waiting for him, especially since Sudan is witnessing a foreign invasion by the terrorist Al-Dagalo militia, which invaded Sudanese territory, killing, intimidating, raping, displacing and destroying infrastructure, Mr. Governor came in extremely complex circumstances and is trying to penetrate these files that cannot tolerate postponement, despite the modest capacities and huge expenditures on these files that cannot tolerate postponement. I mentioned this above.

Including, but not limited to

The file of securing the state against the danger that threatens the state is known to all, as well as the files of my injuries, the military operations undertaken by the Sudanese Armed Forces, where these wounded are treated at the expense of the state, Gedaref The other example was that Gedaref received and still receives a large number of brothers arriving from several areas of operations, from the states of Khartoum, Al-Jazira, Sennar, Sinja and Al-Dindar, Mr. Governor. penetrated this most important file by hosting the arrivals and the displaced persons in Gedaref, where there is food and care.

Knowing that the State now accommodates

A huge number, estimated at hundreds of thousands of displaced people.

Likewise, Mr. Governor did not neglect the health aspect by taking care of the health aspect and service to the citizens of Gedaref, and His Excellency the Lieutenant General did not stop there, but he went further than that, which is the aspect of popular resistance and equipping the mobilized in terms of training, arming and grilling the fighters and strategic brigades, all so that the State of Gedaref continues.

Still safe, thanks to the wise leadership of the armed forces, other regular forces and the popular resistance, all together

I repeat that Mr. Governor is trying as much as possible to hack all the files

Including the recently developed file

His Excellency the Governor of Gedaref, Mohamed Ahmed Hassan, received the CEO of the Nile Bank, Mr. Hisham El-Tahami, with a group

Among the employees of the Nile Bank, the meeting discussed the works in the field of development, funded by the Nile Bank, to contribute to improving the image of the state by opening the internal roads, which is the address of Gedaref State for all investors who come to the state, considering that it is one of the most promising states in terms of investment.

The most important thing is the governor's interest in the agricultural aspect of financing the agricultural season, in which the Nile Bank is also participating in financing, alongside the Agricultural Bank and other banks that are participating in financing the agricultural season, given that Gedaref State has now become the one on which food security is based after the departure of a number of states in the country. The current agricultural season is due to the crimes of terrorist militias that use the weapon of hunger against Sudanese citizens.

I mentioned some of the files that were hacked from Mr. Governor and many others, which, in my opinion, did not have enough space for them. After all that has been mentioned, we can say that His Excellency Lieutenant General Mohamed Ahmed Hassan, Governor of Gedaref, is moving forward with steady steps.

Wali, Imam, good luck.

Be careful

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