General Al-Atta…. exonerates Islamists of starting the war ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Army, Lieutenant General Yasser Al-Atta, through an interview conducted with him by the Egyptian newspaper Al-Sharq, which visited the city of Omdurman as the first foreign newspaper to traveling to the town of Omdurman, fiercely defended the Islamists and exonerated them from the accusation of starting the war.

General Al-Atta is fully aware of what he says and chooses the appropriate moment to convey his messages to whoever he wants, how he wants and at any time. By this strong message, he means to say that the Islamists are not. far from the army, and at the same time, they are not close to it at that time.

Acquitting Islamists of starting the war opens doors that were previously closed, creates safe spaces for Islamists to act to resolve their situation internally and externally, and creates a climate for them to return from secret doors closed for a period of time due to considerations known to certain decision-makers.

The Islamists who decided to join the Rapid Support Forces militias are going through a stage of self-flagellation and remorse of conscience, and they are having revisions, evaluations and evaluations of their positions, and perhaps in the next days, big surprises will appear. this may surprise more than one person.

Fighting the Islamists alongside the army is not to gain the loyalty of General Burhan and his collaborators, but rather their national duty requires this position, and they do not need anyone's thanks, because they do not have not worked and will only work to please God, for these are their beliefs and principles on which they were born.

The fact that the Islamists are bowing to the storm by voluntarily ceding power without provoking violence or chaos adds to their credit, refines their experience and strengthens their position in the coming days.

The most important person who thinks that he will erase the presence of Islamists from the map of Sudan, eliminate them with the stroke of a pen and destroy them with one stroke is that they are a living reality and a strong, established organization that has leadership and a base that is difficult to defeat.

Post-war Sudan was nothing like pre-war Sudan. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge, many concepts have changed and the consciousness of Sudan was formed again, because the war was an important turning point in the history of Sudan. cannot be easily overcome.

Anyone who believes that the Islamists will return after the war with their old form and previous thinking regarding state management is completely ignoring their history and experiences. Let him examine and review their history during the different eras of government of the country since independence.

The leaders of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and even tenth ranks of the Islamists were completely terrified of returning to power, for many reasons, including old age, illness and other reasons. appear, perhaps for the first time, at the head of the pack, thanks to a new vision and a modern program for governance of the country in the post-war period.

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