General Command of the Armed Forces – Important Statement

In the name of God the Merciful

General Command of the Armed Forces

Circular press

Sunday June 23, 2024 AD

A fabricated video appeared today on social media by the media cells of the Al-Dagalo terrorist militia and their collaborators, showing alleged soldiers killing prisoners after treating them in a manner inconsistent with the laws and customs of war.

The Armed Forces clarify that these practices cannot be carried out by members of the Armed Forces, who have adhered throughout their history to international humanitarian law, and completely contrast with what the Al-Dagalo terrorist militia is doing, whose violations systematic and barbaric The world witnesses it every day is unprecedented in the history of wars, and the process of liquidation of prisoners the day before yesterday and the destruction of the Bahri thermal power plant yesterday are an example of its usual terrorist approach. against the country and its citizens.

The armed forces say they will not allow themselves to be drawn into the moral abyss in which the militia suffers and will remain committed to their obligations to international humanitarian law. They also indicate that these media fabrications that the militia and its supporters publish from time to time. time will not deceive the intelligence and conscience of the honorable Sudanese citizen.

(Nasr of God and upcoming opening)

Office of the Spokesperson for the Armed Forces

General Command of the Armed Forces

Press release

Sunday June 23, 2024

Fabricated videos have surfaced on social media, disseminated by media cells of the terrorist militia Daglo and their collaborators, showing alleged soldiers executing prisoners after treating them in a manner that does not correspond to the rules and standards of war.

The armed forces wish to clarify that these practices cannot come from members of the armed forces who, throughout their history, have abdicated by international humanitarian law, contrary to what the Daglo terrorist militia practices. The entire world has witnessed daily systematic violations and barbarity unprecedented in the history of conflict. The execution of prisoners of war in Al-Fula on Friday and the destruction of the Bahri thermal power plant yesterday are just a few examples of known terrorist activities against the country and its civilians.

The armed forces wish to assert that they will not be trained to the same immoral level as the militias and will remain faithful to their commitment to international humanitarian law. The armed forces also want to emphasize that the Sudanese people will not believe these fabricated videos released from time to time by the militias and their collaborators.

Office of the Spokesperson for the Armed Forces

#Sudan #Sudanese_Armed_Forces

#Popular_Resistance – under the leadership of the armed forces – we are in distress with obvious force








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