General Command of the Armed Forces – press circular

Recently, a shocking video appeared on social media showing two people removing the entrails of a dead person and dismembering them in a gruesome manner.

The media of the Al Dagalo terrorist militia and their collaborators tried to attribute this crime to the armed forces and claimed that the perpetrators of this crime were among our members. These are miserable attempts which did not deceive our proud people, who greeted these attempts with ridicule and disbelief. due to their knowledge of their armed forces, which throughout their long history have adhered to the laws and customs of war and the rules of engagement, unlike the Al Daklo militia, whose entire world has witnessed its barbaric practices and their violation of everything. law, custom or human values, which affected both military personnel and civilians, including the cold-blooded murder of prisoners, the looting of citizens' property, the forced detention of persons who had nothing to do with with fighting, raping women and minors, burying the living dead, and mutilating the bodies of martyrs, and their crimes bear witness to this. The terrible things in Darfur, Kordofan, Khartoum, Madani and the villages of the island, where these violations have not stopped until these times.

كما تؤكد القوات المسلحة أن من ظهروا بالفيديديو لا علاقة لهم بأي من den ن أي من أززززز القوات مما يؤكد أنها تمثيلية سيئ furnish دوا نيرانها وأعدوا لها منذ Prolonged.

Your armed forces renew their commitment and strict adherence to international humanitarian law and norms governing war as professional national forces who do not want to be led by the practices and lies of the Al-Dagalo militia and its agents.

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