General Command of the Armed Forces – press circular

In the name of God the Merciful

General Command of the Armed Forces

Circular press

Saturday May 11, 2024 AD

In line with its familiar approach of weaving lies and distorting facts, the Al-Daglo terrorist militia today issued a statement claiming to repel an attack by our forces against their mercenaries in the town of El Fasher .

The Armed Forces explain that it was the militias who launched the treacherous attack yesterday, Friday, May 10, against the positions of our forces to the east of the city. They also sabotaged the power plant and bombarded neighborhoods adjacent to the attack zone with artillery shells. , which resulted in deaths and injuries among civilians.

Our forces and the joint forces of Juba peace parties who sided with the homeland repelled the attack and inflicted heavy losses on them, forcing them to withdraw. At the same time, they published their false statement in an attempt to obscure the facts and responsibilities. their habitual crimes against others and falsely and deceptively seeking sympathy from the international community, while we followed their repeated attempts to mobilize mercenaries and criminals from various regions, luring them with money and looting property to launch this failed attack on the town of El Fasher. , and they even threatened to do it at any time through videos that they published themselves.

This habitual lying and fabricating behavior of the Dagalo militia and his collaborators has become an inherent characteristic since he started this war against the state and the Sudanese citizen, who has become completely convinced of the falsity and invalidity of their assertions.

The Armed Forces and Peace Party Forces confirm that they continue vigorously to defend every inch, every facility and every citizen of this country, based on their constitutional and national responsibility to protect the land, honor and the honorable Sudanese citizen until the country is cleared. of this criminal militia and its collaborators soon, God willing, with their full adherence to the laws and customs of war and the rules of engagement as professional and respectful forces.

(Nasr of God and upcoming opening)

Office of the Spokesperson for the Armed Forces

General Command of the Armed Forces

Press release

Saturday May 11, 2024

In keeping with its usual pattern of weaving lies and fabricating facts, the Daglo terrorist militia today issued a statement claiming to have repelled an attack by our forces against their mercenaries in El Fasher.

The armed forces would like to clarify that it was the militias who launched the treacherous attack on our forces in the eastern part of the city on Friday, May 10, in addition to vandalizing the power station and bombarding neighboring residential areas with artillery fire which resulted in the death and injury of civilians.

Our forces and the joint forces of the Juba Peace Accord who sided with the nation repelled the attack and inflicted huge losses on them, forcing them to retreat. They simultaneously issued their false statement in an attempt to falsify the facts and blame others for their known crimes and gain sympathy from the international community at a time when we have seen their repeated attempts to mobilize mercenaries and criminals from different regions and tempt them with money. and loot to launch this failed attack against the city of El Fasher. They also repeatedly threatened to attack the city through videos they themselves published.

This behavior familiar with the lies and deception of the Daglo militia and its collaborators has become their trait since the beginning of this war against the Sudanese nation and people who are aware of their lies and false claims.

The Armed Forces and Joint Forces would like to confirm that they will continue to defend every inch and infrastructure of the nation and all citizens of this country as their constitutional duty until this country is rid of this criminal militia and its collaborators , while strictly adhering, as professional forces, to the norms of war and rules of engagement.

Allah's victory is near

Office of the Spokesperson for the Armed Forces

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