General Command of the Armed Forces – press circular

In the name of God the Merciful

General Command of the Armed Forces

Circular press

Friday May 31, 2024 AD

Your forces today successfully conducted a qualitative dawn operation, which led to the destruction of a large number of enemy vehicles and the death of many leaders and members of the Al-Dagalo terrorist militia. The forces were also able to reach the depths of the area. enemy in the Bahri and Halfaya regions.

Your forces counted 7 martyrs and 28 wounded.

Glory and eternity to our innocent martyrs and speedy recovery to the injured

(Nasr of God and upcoming opening)

Office of the Spokesperson for the Armed Forces

General Command of the Armed Forces

Press release

Friday May 31, 2024

Your armed forces successfully carried out a special operation at dawn today which led to the destruction of a large number of equipment belonging to the enemy and the death of a number of commanders and elements of the Daglo terrorist militia. The forces also managed to penetrate deep into enemy lines at Bahri and Halfaya.

Your forces left seven martyrs and 27 wounded.

Glory and eternity to our courageous martyrs and speedy recovery to the injured.

Allah's victory is near

Office of the Spokesperson for the Armed Forces

#Sudan #Sudanese_Armed_Forces

#Popular_Resistance – under the leadership of the armed forces – we are in distress with obvious force








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