General Shams al-Din Kabashi is a true statesman ✍️ Muhammad Othman al-Radi

There are specifications and standards that must be met in a leadership personality, including self-confidence, strength of character and taking the appropriate decision at the appropriate time without fear or fear.

I have not had the opportunity to meet Lieutenant General Shams al-Din Kabashi of Ali, and I do not know him and he only knows me through the media.

What distinguishes General Kabbashi's personality is his lack of talkativeness and a lot of work, through the tasks assigned to him internally and externally.

The file for supervising the security services, the intelligence police, is one of the most important files. Its management rests on the shoulders of General Al-Kabashi, and this is a clear indication of the strength of his influence.

General Al-Kabashi is considered the brains of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and his special advisor on hidden and apparent issues.

General Al-Kabashi has a great ability to negotiate issues with brotherly and friendly countries, and his recent visit to Niger and Mali in West Africa is one of the most successful visits during which he achieved a major breakthrough, and its results will appear on the ground in the coming period.

General Shams Al-Kabashi is a good reader of the internal and external political scene and makes successful interventions at the right time.

General Al-Kabbashi manages his files discreetly, away from the spotlight, and pursues a policy of judging us by our actions.

General Shams al-Din Kabbashi knows neither the impossible nor the half-measure, his decisions do not accept division by 2, and he knows neither the color gray nor the intermediate station (white or black).

General Shams al-Din Kabashi is a man of the field and fights face-to-face battles with his adversaries with courage and bravery. At the same time, he loves peace and puts the public interest before private interest. He does not win and does not take revenge. , and this thanks to its remarkable and unmistakable positions.

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