Geneva between American “wickedness” and the “intelligence” of the Sudanese government!! – Strategies – ✍️ Dr. Issam Batran

– There is a difference between (wickedness) and (cunning). Malice is a reprehensible characteristic, while cunning is one of the praiseworthy qualities. There is the cunning of the Arabs… and the cunning of wars… and the cunning. of peace… etc!!

– The historical figure (Juha) is described as shrewd. One day he was told: (Do you eat while walking in the market among the people)?… He replied: (All these people are gullible, I don't care).), so he was told: How…? He said: (I will prove it to you), so he climbed a hill and started addressing the people: (O people, he who has a tongue that reaches the tip of his nose will enter Paradise), so all those who heard him got stuck. stuck out his tongue so that it stuck to the tip of his mouth and said: (I didn't tell you that they were gullible)…!!

Juha's ruse was not far from the American scene which had treated the Sudanese government with malice after being unable to force it to lick the mouth of a rabbit…

– (The intelligence) of the Sudanese government to respond to the (malice) of the Americans is a commendable issue in the political arena of the negotiation process with the rapid support militia. Perhaps (intelligence) was demonstrated in the Sudanese government's request for an agreement. first consultative meeting in the city of Jeddah to read the thoughts of the American mediator on the representation of the level of the Sudanese government at the negotiating table. Measuring the decline in the degree of American concession on the phrase (on both sides of the war). .

As soon as the Sudanese government announced its participation in a consultative meeting with the American mediator regarding the Geneva negotiations, it raised the “question” of whether the American government would deal with the Sudanese government with the same expressions of recognition during the consultation in Jeddah and then it maliciously moves on to the square of the “lie” of the two parties to the war and the equal shoulder of the Sudanese army, the established institution that expresses the sentiment of the Sudanese people towards the rebel terrorist militias, and as a reminder, here is the text of the publication: (It was mentioned in the press release that the participation of the Sudanese government delegation that went to Jeddah comes with the aim of consulting the American delegation on the Geneva negotiations… The important and crucial question: (Will the consultative delegation continue in Jeddah as a representative if the government of Sudan participates in the Geneva negotiations, or will the negotiations take place between the army and the rebel militias, as was planned by the international parties and regional)…

It has become clear that the American approval of the Jeddah consultations was only intended to draw the Sudanese government into the Geneva negotiations, according to the statements of the American envoy yesterday on Al-Hurra television: (The Geneva negotiations do not give legitimacy to the Geneva negotiations). either party), which means the equality of the Sudanese government and the Sudanese army on one side against the rebel Rapid Support militia…

– The head of the consultative delegation (Abu Nammu) announced the failure of the consultations in Jeddah and his recommendation not to go to Geneva came because of the previous intentions of the American government that the war was between (two parties) the army and the Rapid Support, and this is an implicit signal confirmed by the statements of the American envoy that he does not recognize the legitimacy of the two parties…

The steps taken by the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the consultation team demonstrated a certain political maturity (they played with noisy tactics)… However, a number of questions come to the minds of experts and observers and it would be useful for the Sudanese government to answer them:

1. Will the Sudanese government overcome the crisis of international pressure under the auspices of the United States of America?

2. What is the next direction for international and regional (alternative) alliances?

3. Is the Sudanese government prepared to refuse to participate in the Geneva negotiations, I mean, in anticipation of American anger?

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