Geneva false pregnancy!! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

Experience shows that every session that was held before between the armed forces and the Janjaweed resulted in a huge zero. The agreed truces did not come to fruition, nor was there any positive breakthrough in humanitarian channels. The negotiations in Jeddah were closed on the conditions of the armed forces that were rejected by the militias, and negotiations have not taken place in Geneva so far.

The party overseeing the Geneva negotiations is not trustworthy because it has done much in the war and is led by specific and well-known cultivators who are warmly inclined to the militia, knowing that it is these crops that support it and feed its political wing.

The question arises: who negotiates with the army? Should it negotiate with groups or mercenaries? Or does it negotiate with a unified bloc with a well-known leader who gives his instructions and everyone implements them? Therefore, even if humanitarian ways are agreed, they will fail and the militias will benefit more than those affected by the war? , and this will become their trade and their booty.

We must learn from recent history how much of the previously agreed truce was violated by the militias, and how many convoys of humanitarian organizations were seized by them, and even the vehicles of the organizations were exploited in the fighting. Therefore, the form of trust is not trust. exists towards the international organization and towards the militias, so I do not expect the success of the negotiations, even if they are indirect.

From my stand, I look where I see that the Geneva session will get wind of those who went there, and it is a false pregnancy that the doctor will see through the ultrasound screen (Hawa)!

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