Geneva for good architecture! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

I have a friend who is considered one of the traders who I can say is a smart and (inventive) trader. Whenever he opens a new shop, he gives it a name whose connotations derive from the current political trend! Many years ago, during Bashir's deal with Garang in Machakos station, he opened a shop for headphones and mobile phone accessories and called it (Machakos)! After that, his business expanded and he opened another shop, which he called (Naivasha) after the negotiations, and moved to Naivasha.

He called me yesterday and said: “I have opened a new elegant store and I have called it (Geneva by Al-Amari Al-Jadeed)”! So I laughed at this name and the choice of this name at that time. I jokingly told him: It seems that the guy does not have “long” as it is written on the widespread signs of Al-Amari, but he is directly referring to Geneva. He laughed and I asked him (how can he leave if he does not break his fast)! He told me: Don't take any risks!!

Perhaps the negotiations that the United States is working on and insisting on taking place in Geneva in the first half of next month, we do not yet know whether the Sudanese government, represented by the armed forces, will participate in them or not. No official statement has been issued in this regard except (Taratish Kalam Talaat Falsoo!) We stand with the leadership The armed forces are authorized to accept this issue, reject it or express comments on it, and the discussion is over

It is quite natural, and I certainly hope, that the militias will agree to meet in Geneva and enter into negotiations with the armed forces.

What is new in these negotiations is that there will be new parties that will enter, in addition to the one that was in Jeddah, and the word “facilitators” that we had heard about previously at the Jeddah podium was not mentioned in the statement. negotiations as they took place in Jeddah, despite the fact that the armed forces had previously stated that the negotiations would only take place if they implemented what was stipulated in the Jeddah conditions for the militias to leave the homes of citizens in Khartoum, but now they have entered the homes of citizens in Sinja, Dinder and other cities in Sennar State, the last of which is Suki. The question is whether the vocabulary of the old conditions will extend to these or not?

We must read the modern political history of Sudan well and draw lessons from the agreements it contains in its pages from the agreements that were reached before. The agreement to separate the south from the north left an issue called (Abyei). and I left it hanging. I remember the phrase uttered by the late Sadiq al-Mahdi when he was commenting on the agreement, meaning that it would not be resolved. The Abyei issue, where he said: “To hell with the lice.” It is known that negotiations that lead to an agreement involve two things. The first is to protect the interests of the superpowers or those who provoke conflicts, by leaving one or two points hanging as a floating issue that could arouse skepticism in the future. every time.

From my platform I look… where I see now… The Geneva negotiations are about to be ruined, so will the good owner of Geneva Al-Ammari take advantage of this name and gain customers from Geneva imports? Or delete this name and write instead (Fashleef by Al-Amari Al-Jadeed)?!!.

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