Geneva.. Traffic from Jeddah – beyond the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*America came to get the Sudanese people to commit not to turn east. The government would be wrong if it promised to do so*,

*The consultation is expected to begin with a Sudanese-US agreement, and this could include the Sudanese side's observations on the flow of US weapons to the militia via the Emirates*

A friend of mine called me and was talking to me while I was writing about the Geneva negotiations. He said, “Here, America has agreed to meet with the government in Jeddah to answer their questions about the Geneva agenda, the participating parties and the negotiations’ position on implementing the Jeddah agreement.” My friend said, “By God, after this, I’m afraid you’ll say first stop the war in Gaza.”

There is no doubt that the American response to this meeting and its agreement to go beyond its proposal to hold it in Jeddah rather than Geneva is seen as a good step, but the meeting alone is not enough to dispel popular pre-official fears about what is happening that have hatched in Geneva.

The appointment of the Minister of Mines, Abu Nammu, as head of the delegation confirms that this delegation represents the Government of Sudan. It also indicates that the American delegation will not be headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, which does not detract from the situation. The value of the meeting is that it meets the government's condition to conduct these consultations before going to Geneva. What is important is how the Sudanese side invests in this meeting and reaches a written agreement that constitutes a basis for the Geneva negotiations in a manner that meets the demands and rights of the Sudanese people, as stated in the statement of the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in the interest of the Government of the Republic of Sudan to establish peace, security and stability in the country and to ease tensions). the suffering resulting from the war launched by the rebel militias on the shoulders of our people and citizens, the government of Sudan has decided to send a delegation to the city of Jeddah, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, headed by Minister Muhammad Bashir Abdullah Abu Nammu, Minister of Mines, to consult with the government of the United States of America regarding the invitation extended by the latter to attend the negotiations to be held in Geneva on August 14 regarding the war launched by the terrorist Dagalo militia against our country, Sudan),

It is natural that the consultation begins with a Sudanese-American agreement, and this could include the observations of the Sudanese side on the flow of American weapons to the militias through the Emirates, and whether America is ready to pressure the Emirates to stop this. , and the fairness of the Emirates' presence in the Geneva negotiations, because they are an ally of the militias, even if this happens. Indeed, the agreement on what is the lowest possible will begin with how to implement the Jeddah agreement. according to the Sudanese side, based on human rights law and international humanitarian law, it is expected that an agreement will be reached on the exit of the militia from the homes of citizens and civilian objects, and that the militia will stop. bombing of residential areas, lifting the siege of El Fasher and withdrawing from the towns and villages that the militias have terrorized and continue to do, and undoubtedly, the issue of recovering the looted property and assets of the Sudanese people will be a priority. is an absolute priority, and it goes without saying that an agreement will be reached on how to end the presence of the militia, hold it accountable for all the crimes it has committed against the Sudanese people and ensure reconstruction, compensation and reparation for the damage.

It is necessary not to impose any restrictions on the movements of the army and other joint and regular forces, taking into account their responsibility to maintain security and stability in all regions of the country and their right to pursue criminals and the undisciplined and bring all those who commit crimes to justice without exception, and not to restrict the right of individuals and groups and government agencies to resort to national and international courts to restore public and private rights.

Therefore, the question arises as to what are the justifications given by America for the participation of the United Arab Emirates in Geneva as an observer, and whether it will guarantee the implementation of what was agreed in Geneva, and in what manner?, and what are the guarantees for this? This raises doubts about America's true intentions.

America is in a race against time to reach an agreement that will help it in the presidential elections, the outcome of which no one can predict, nor the effects of that outcome on any agreement that might be reached in Geneva.

The Emirates bet on the losing horse and failed to implement their plan to seize power through the rapid support militia, and will the chances of their allies refusing to move forward as political heirs of the post-war be huge? losses? In addition to its involvement of African and… Arab countries in its aggression against the Sudanese people,

But the ceiling on expectations should not be raised. America has secured a commitment from the Sudanese not to turn east. The government would be wrong to promise to do so.

August 10, 2024 AD

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