Geneva, where are the beans or Sultan Ezba..!! – The glory of the word – ✍️ Umm Waddah

The government statement issued by the Minister of Information indicates for the first time the country’s real and urgent need for a government that has been undermined by such dreamy and grandiloquent efforts. We need a prime minister and the completion of the civil state structures that have been put in place. waiting for the unknown since October 25, 2021 AD and constantly accepting the tables of the Arab and African capitals around us, in vain to prolong it. War, weakening and blackmail, all of which are mobilizing to promote warlike groups, traitors. , and agents inside and outside who have destroyed the country and are waiting for the army and resistance to be defeated and dismantled after impoverishing the citizen and insulting his dignity and pride. This publicity, Sir Graham, is an end in itself, and Geneva is a well-known international center to which Britain, America, France and the United Nations have access. Our delegation is in New York and you see that there is a lack of commitment to confidentiality and the delegation is still there. what do you want to tell us as if you want to hide the sunlight with your hand and deny the flow of water from the runways?!

But what this means clearly reveals that the diplomatic performance and external work in the Sudanese stations in the countries concerned are what is defective and what is currently lacking to repel the conspiracies of these countries against us, in light of the complete absence of any significant press media movement in Washington, where our ambassador there meets in Arabic and the event is as if he were plowing the sea and happening. He himself is in the largest capital of international media platforms (he lives in Al-Abyad and does not know Wad Absafiya), and he does not exist in the American press and does not get up to meet Molly to assist the Minister of Foreign Affairs!? Meanwhile, the Sudanese ambassador in Paris is fond of meetings with French 24 and journalist Tawfiq for entertainment, and he is working on this station for the third time there without any impact or meetings that carry any dimension or product, except for simple ephemeral personal marketing efforts. his book to the French while the country is suffering from its war, and thus he does not slap back and does not influence the escalation of the French attack against… One is the light and positions of France, which complete the trinity of successive pressures that will only be repelled by the Russian military base and the alliance with China as the greatest national project to save the country from their deception. As for our embassy in Great Britain, penholder, it is still far from effective, and its mission. was entrusted to a small diplomat who has no arrow in his chest and who is not able to face evil. And the claw of evil, Ambassador Barbara, and her expansion projects between New York, the Human Rights Council and humanitarian intervention… and this is the case in Brussels, the stronghold of the West and its foreign policy. If there is an effort presented to the ambassador of our country there, let a writer or a satellite channel tell us about it!? …So where is the problem, the defeat and the crucial missions with so much weakness, emptiness and isolation in terms of diplomatic movements and effectiveness, and the Sudanese mission in New York with this proposal, as if it wanted to bring back the Volcker era through humanitarian intervention and the protection of civilians the day he sold us this plan that Geneva adheres to today!? This weakness, created by the absence of institutionalized and coordinated external action, is the basis of the difficult situation that Sudanese diplomacy is going through, which is blocked at the request of whom we do not know!?

There are those who want to throw ashes in the eyes of senior writers and journalists to persuade or intimidate them by saying that the state leadership and its security services falsely approve of what is happening there. We have in our hands President Al-. Burhan strongly stated that (there is no negotiation in Jeddah, Geneva or elsewhere) and outlined the requirements for action with any party seeking dialogue by adhering to what was agreed in Jeddah. we know that these trends carry bad omens and contain lies about the head of state… and the state is fighting the battle of dignity, and it is at its end, and it faces a great challenge to defeat the rebellion, end its page forever, and cut the road in the face of these brokers who seek their personal goals and to shake the image of President Burhan in the eyes of the internal public opinion and their crazy desires to drag us to death through Geneva… trust rests more on Ambassador Hassan Hamed than on the news of international affairs, both political and humanitarian, to implement this plan… he needs a broader mandate that obliges him to President Burhan Haditha renews his declared assurances in the face of this blindness in order to silence the Sunnis and the hearts of these people who do not know how to assess the situation, nor foresee, nor benefit from the experiences and bitter evidence that the country has experienced in the hands of the United Nations for more than three decades. Their scourges continue and their war against our army and our people continues… The most serious of them is… Someone tells us about any good, praise or support that the United Nations has given to our country during this period. decades, in addition to the campaigns of political confusion and support for the enemies and their sinful projects that aim at any national orientation or internal rapprochement and the major deception that Lamamra sowed in his invitation letter to Geneva, where he maliciously referred, in his opposition. the Sudanese situation, to the two Security Council resolutions concerning the ceasefire and the situation in El Fasher so that he can base his report on them and on what the consultations will end by completing the episode of the implications, but who says that the Sultan's mother is single?


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