Glory Rally (For Satak) ✍️ Dr Omar Kabo

++ I have never seen a politician who has the mind of a child who loves ignorance, innocence and naivety like Omar Al-Dakir, a blatant example of someone who brought abuse, ridicule and ridicule to a respectable family, like his companion in humiliation, shame and “debauchery”, Khaled Silk…

++ One of the characteristics of Omar Al-Dakir's personality is that he remains silent for a long time and expresses his disbelief in front of a woman who turns him into a source of ridicule, insults and laughter because of his apparent rudeness…

++ He remained silent for several months in order to make known to the people his poem, in which the horsemen used innuendo, innuendo and mockery, and which began: Glory to Satak That day, the Sudanese people. I thanked God so much that God did not grant them a continuation, otherwise most of the people would have ended up in the cemeteries with a stroke or mental illness because of resentment and pent-up anger…

++ He declared yesterday his crude ((childish)) mind that the Sudanese people are a puppet in his hand and he can move them with a statement if he wants, how and when…

++ From his position as leader of the great circle of “stupidity and stupidity”, he gave instructions to citizens to mobilize on August 14 to renounce a war that he was responsible for starting…

++ I will not drown in the temptation of extremist claims and claims to know the reaction of the Sudanese people to these naive and naïve statements, except that I know for sure that a wave of ridicule will fall on them similar to the wave of “Glory to Satak” 00

++ Here the objective question arises from the fact that he is the head of a political party, regardless of his triviality, weakness and humiliation: where will his position be in this crowd???!!!

++ Will he remain hidden, or will he lead these (imaginary) crowds that he called and ordered the Sudanese to come out, because the first to come out in there is the one who called for a match between the situation and the article, so that is what should be his spokesperson…

++ At the very least, it will provide a golden opportunity to know the degree of popular discontent or satisfaction with him, a symbol of the foolish, misguided and deluded people ((God honors the listeners)) 000

++Before that, we hope that these crowds will be led by the leaders of his unfortunate party, Khaled Silk, Ibrahim Al-Sheikh, and the rest of these despicable people, of whom we know little more than those we have mentioned.

++ The entire Sudanese people are therefore impatiently waiting for the trio, Omar Al-Dagir, Ibrahim Al-Sheikh and Khaled Silk, to lead the crowds in demanding an end to the war, and we sincerely and heartily hope that Hamdok, Arman, and Taha Othman, the most insignificant and filthiest of men, will be with them…

++ I realize that these insults are too cowardly to come out in the face of the discontent of the masses, and too insignificant to stand up to the Sudanese people, who are desperately looking for them and wish to have the opportunity to join them so that they can turn them into ((Shawarma)) food for hawks, worms and dogs…

++ I challenge them to let one of them appear in these imaginary crowds to which no one will respond unless they pay a heavy price, a treacherous bullet expected in times of war, at a time when the Janjaweed militias seek a charge that condemns our regular forces for having killed innocents…

++ For this reason, he will seek to kill the crowds in order to throw this accusation on our regular forces. Here, any citizen who goes out has only himself to blame if the lurking militia strikes him and kills him dead or wounded. …

++ The experience of all political leaders grows and expands with the passing of days and years, except for Omar Al-Dakir, whose mind is still stuck in the stage of the “pillars of discussion”. He believes that he is still a student who sees things from the perspective of this age group, where there is haste, confusion and a superficial view of things…

++ Dear reader, I need not say that the Sudanese people are lining up behind our armed forces to eliminate the militia so that it does not become stronger and does not start repeating what it did to us…

++ I need not say that the Sudanese people chose the option of war by force to eliminate the last Janjaweed only because they are a dear, genuine and chivalrous people who cannot shake hands with those who raped their women, looted their money, or sold their women in the Ayal Dagalo market…

++ He who makes peace with these Janjaweed is devoid of chivalry and has not a single trait of virility, chivalry and heroism…

++ We will all die and we will not agree to agree with a murderer, a usurper. These people can be joined by dishonorable men, like Omar Al-Dakir, Khaled Silk, Arman, Adam Hamdok, Obaid Ayal Zayed. …

++ Omar Al-Dakir boasts of an ignorance and arrogance that always qualifies him to access the position of undisputed king of the kings of carelessness…

*Our army, machine*

*Safe, Jinn*

*Resist, Nashama*

*Omar Capo*

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