God bless you!! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

Despite the circumstances that some public service institutions have gone through, these conditions that were imposed on them because of the cursed war, there are institutions that continue to vibrate with life in the service of the various segments in need. One of the state institutions that has borne the burden of institutions like them in the states of Sudan, which are no longer at the service of the citizens… is… the Zakat Office in Gedaref State, these young people who have excelled in their work, their achievements and their excellence in serving the needy and those who have been victims of forced displacement.

A huge amount of work in the last seven months, and huge amounts of money were spent in various segments, totaling 2,321,759,000 pounds, the pages of which were reviewed by the designated secretary of the Zakat Office and a number of executives involved. by experience, uniqueness and writing participated in the navigation. This thrilling service narration follows: With financial figures and specifying the exact number of beneficiaries of these services according to the various Zakat banks, behind this effort were workers and pure souls who continued. dedicating themselves to this work with selfless detachment.

Figures that speak and transparently reveal a total cost of 2,321,759,000 pounds, spent for the sake of God Almighty for a service from pure money paid by pure people, 28 thousand families to whom an amount of 840 million pounds was spent and sponsorship for university students amounted to 19.1962 million, and even the sick received part of it. This figure, knowing that the office supports the sick with 60 million pounds per month in advance, is a healing balm for those whom God has afflicted. illness while they are in need, hardship and need. I really liked these pages read by the designated secretary, shared by the local director of Gedaref Municipality, regarding the voluntary return of some of the displaced persons who wish to return. to their homeland, where 18 buses have been moved at a cost of 75 million euros at the time of writing, and the eviction program continues, while the shelter pages are full of dangerous things that surprise!! Food aid has been provided daily to the displaced persons camps to the tune of 3 million pounds per day and more. There is also aid to the poor in all Gedaref states amounting to 208 million distributed and delivered to localities and other bright pages. white ink, an achievement such as the release of detainees, and footnotes of texts containing a miscellaneous achievement that this article cannot contain.

I am watching from my podium… because I saw that the designated secretary of the Zakat Office in Gedaref presented in his press conference an honest account of what happened, and some directors of the various departments participated with him, especially the great effort that was made and is still being made to support the wounded and the popular resistance. We must all support them, praising them and applauding them warmly. We are like human beings, but their reward with God is undoubtedly greater than the praise of. So, greetings to the governor of Gedaref State, chairman of the board of directors, greetings to the designated secretary and all the directors of his administration, and greetings to the director of the media and advocacy department who invited us to write about. the sun of the achievements of this young institution. May they all be rewarded from me… Glorify peace.

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