God bless you, my faithful friend (1) ✍️ Muhammad Talab

Before the (Sudanese-Sudanese) war… A year or more ago, I insisted, I wrote a series of articles entitled *(What is destined must be)* which is a title taken from the Bag song by the poet Mahomet. Abdullah Al-Umi and a literary text of great value which contains high-level meanings and moral values… I have projected part of what was stated there onto the situation at that time with the aim of quoting it and sometimes to make fun of what the situation has become. during the (retaliatory) period… Sorry, the transition period.

I had promised the readers to return to it under a new title, which is *(With my pleasure, the faithful lord)* and positions with Al-Abadi and projections on the existing conditions, but I did not keep my promise at the time. … It seems that the circumstances were not conducive at that time to present this text, and that (fate) reserved it for me to express the current situation after a year of this accursed war and the circumstances of (long patience).

The title above is taken from a song from the period known as (Le Sac), most of which was before independence and after (exploitation) and before what is called modern singing . The song is by poet Ibrahim Al-Abadi. , who is described as one of the pioneers of nationalist poetry, although his name, may God have mercy on him, has connotations of tribe and tribalism, as he comes from the Ababda tribe associated with the Northern Neighbor (GMA ) and the tribe is widespread throughout Sudan and on its many rivers…. I had indicated in previous articles that Fatahla (the bag) was in fact a mixture of origins and cultures which gave rise to this art (new at the time) and I named some of its masters which resulted from mixing and mating…

The beginning of the song above says:

*I am pleased with you, the faithful Lord, and in you, the beautiful impatient one*

I remembered the beginning of this song as we left our homes, expelled in humiliation and humiliation, and our region had a military camp guarding its Blue Nile… We left with the hope of 'a quick return as long as we left behind an army that would guard our homes…even if it required us and those who mobilized them to protect them and their camps, and this happened in many regions of Sudan, but we kept repeating the same song:

*If I prevent my intention from being elevated*

*Also, let me dive into my seas and my dreams*

*And let me take out my pearls* *My darlings*

*Sing my poetry, my husband and my love*

*Strengthen, fortify and guide those around us*

*There’s a bit in between, Jambal*

The people repeated, oh our dear army, the dull song (one army, one people) with a stupidity that we do not envy at all, and we are humiliated from one city to another, from village to village, then from town to town. , overshadowing one another, harboring evil and arousing arrogance… and trust still exists in (the guardian of our money and our blood despite the blood shed and money plundered in our homes, our banks and even the Centrale). Bank, some of us still sing parts of the same song.

*O Heaven of Destiny, O Angel, and whoever goes too far to obtain a reward.. You lived in blood, O Helya, in gentleness.. O the life of our souls and destruction*…

And we circle in the same orbit (and my heart is satisfied and here is the proof) until we reach the borders and become refugees and displaced people in God's vast country.

In the next article we will highlight some of what was mentioned in the song about our conditions before another city fell under this humiliation and humiliation. Here's part of the song's lyrics… and we continue.

*Please, my faithful lord*

*You must have great patience*


*If I prevent my intention from being elevated*

*I would like to dive into my seas and my dreams*

*Directed by Durri Al-Ghawali*

*And grow my hair, my life and my loyalty*

*Shut up and guide me*

*There’s a bit in between, my dear*


*Oh goal heaven, oh angel*

*And whoever insults me will have a reward*

*You lived in a beautiful world*

*O life and destruction of our souls*

*If I had to pray in hell, maslaka*

*My heart is satisfied and here is the proof*

*He is patient and bears affliction*

*Once you feel sorry, a little goes a long way*


*Grandfather and grandfather, and it's time for me to move on*

*He's always gone and gone*

*My tears flow and in the fire I sleep*

*Water puts out my fire, I think*

*More and more critical of me*

*My sorrow is with you and the lack of a friend*

*Let me advise you, Uncle Ghadi*

*From the path of love I do not turn away*

Peace be upon you

Mohammed asked

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