Golo Tank and the peace strategy in Darfur – The face of truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

Water issues remain important issues with a significant impact on increasing opportunities for stability and extending the security of local communities. This is why international and humanitarian law stipulates the protection of water sources during conflicts and wars. Because it constitutes a source of life for humans, it also provides for the protection of public and private property… and the protection of civilians in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 AD relating to human rights during wars… Both the 1977 protocols prohibit attacking civilian targets, even if the matter is related to military targets.

In this regard, we must recall the role of human rights and humanitarian organizations in the importance of fulfilling their duties in the face of obvious violations committed by rebels of the Rapid Support Forces of civilian installations in a number of Sudanese States… in addition to the general protection enjoyed by objects of a civilian nature.

Last Sunday, rebel rapid support forces announced control of the Goloa reservoir in North Darfur state, where the commander of the forces on the ground, Ali Rizkallah, known as “Al-Safna” , ordered his soldiers to close water purification plants and prevent water supply. supplies did not reach the town of El-Fasher, according to a video clip posted on social media. It did not take long for the Sudanese armed forces and the armed movements allied to them to announce it again.

The Golo reservoir, west of El Fasher, was restored shortly after the Rapid Support Forces took control of the site, which is the main source of water for the North Darfur capital.

In this article, we attempt to shed light on this important reservoir, located 8 kilometers west of the town of El Fasher, capital of North Darfur State, where it constitutes the main source of water potable and which was rehabilitated as part of a number of water harvesting projects during the rule of former President Omar al-Bashir.

We note that the Golo Reservoir, located west of El Fasher town, the capital of North Darfur State, was constructed in 1947 AD with the aim of conserving water during rains of fall for use all year round. the English colonialists. However, the reservoir suffered from neglect and a lack of renewed maintenance. The patrol was devoid of some limited efforts undertaken from time to time by the state government… as the reservoir has been suffering from silt accumulation for a long time, even though it is considered one of the vital projects the largest producers of drinking water in the city of El Fasher.

In the fall of 2009 AD, when Sudan felt the importance of benefiting from rainwater, which accounts for 40% of the country's water resources. This was followed by numerous development programs, including water harvesting projects as part of what was known as the Darfur Peace Strategy, conflict zones and projects for the return of nomads . of the Republic of South Sudan. After being assigned to implement water harvesting projects, the Dams Implementation Unit reviewed the previous experiences implemented in Sudan, I also learned about the experiences of some Arab countries ( Tunisia and Morocco), which made them evolve towards development. a clear approach to implementing these projects that have a significant impact on the local population… in addition to their contribution to maintaining stability and security and preventing conflicts around pastures during the autumn period.. .a unit started… Building dams in implementing water harvesting projects to support the voluntary return program in several states, including North Darfur State… where it rehabilitated several projects including the rehabilitation of the Golo reservoir (which we are currently taking care of, alongside the Abu Jadad reservoir, Rahad Um Qadit and the Buba reservoir) in addition to the construction of new reservoirs such as (Hilalia, Damra Al-Sheikh and Tarfu Jara), in addition to working in excavations and underground wells in various localities. of State.

These projects have continued to contribute to rainwater storage during the fall season…as they have created great security and social stability in the state…Therefore, our appeal remains on the importance of keeping the war away from water sources, which represent for the population of Darfur the only lifeline in the face of renewed conflicts in this afflicted region… as well as regular maintenance programs for these projects must be taken back through the concerned authorities, as they have been heavily affected during the past period due to lack of maintenance. Additionally, this year's rainfall requires accelerating the preparation of these reservoirs to receive rainwater, which is predicted to exceed typical seasonal rates.

May you always be well.. (email protected)

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