Good morning, Your Excellency, the team is a preferred security – Al-Daghari's speech – ✍️ Hisham Ahmed Al-Mustafa Abu Hiyam

Society must be aware that the National Security and Intelligence Service is an established military institution, but it is being targeted.


Why has this fierce popular campaign been waged and directed against the National Security and Intelligence Service since the outbreak of the revolution until today?

There is no doubt that the National Security and Intelligence Service is one of the regular institutions established with a national defense program, and it has a clear role in preserving the security and safety of citizens and the security of Sudan, its people and its land. It is considered one of the agencies with the highest skills and good reputation at the level of the African continent and the Arab region, and this is attested by all countries of the world, experts and strategic, political and military analysts. It also enjoys a good reputation throughout its long history. It is also one of the statutory bodies with social responsibility. In addition, it is considered one of the most important agencies that includes academics, researchers, thinkers and elites, because they are among the best righteous sons of the nation who defend its interests and those of its people, and because those in charge of its affairs are messengers of peace, love and humanity, led by His Excellency the Director General, Lieutenant General of Security, who is also considered one of the best military officers and skills. During his reign, he was able to achieve many achievements, and since he was appointed Director General, a vast societal movement has been seen. He also continued to work in secret to achieve all the goals and achieve all the progress that would preserve the identity and status of the Sudanese people in the world.

Therefore, this apparatus has remained one of the long-established and well-established institutions in the military system. Its success has expanded through the leadership of its Director General and his assistants, whom people know for his righteousness, success and fear. God Almighty is a man with knowledge in security and economics. Under his wise leadership, he was able to change many things that prevailed in the minds of many people about the National Intelligence and Security Service, especially those who were enemies and spread rumors.

Because the National Security and Intelligence Service is old, solid and well-established, all its members and associates are selected and appointed according to controls and standards that are rarely found in some military or even civilian institutions. The National Security and Intelligence Service provided the model of good governance, and therefore its enemies remained numerous, and those who wanted to erase the identity of this agency, and thus all the hostile partisan forces began to show their fangs to the agency and stand guard against it. On the other hand, some partisans blame it in large numbers for the mistakes made by members of the apparatus from the lineage of partisan power infiltrated and infiltrated into the corridors of the institutions, considering them as partners of power like a cake that they shared according to a report concluded. agreement, but in essence, these individuals within the apparatus have their own hidden agendas and are paid to distort the reputation of the apparatus. If those in charge of its affairs pay attention, led by the happiness of the team, it will be preferred.

In fact, we say that every base has homosexuals. They are motivated by some for the purpose of distorting the good name, but there is no doubt that the agency at the top of its leadership is looking for these individuals who have continued to do so. to carry out the hidden agenda, so their intentions have been revealed and as I have indicated, the agency leadership is looking for them.

What happened in Kassala State does not deserve so much media attention, considering the circumstances the country is going through. Most of the media personalities and misguided pen owners treated the incident of the honest martyr in a manner that contained a kind of skepticism. indifference. These media personalities are also hired and are a lucrative business for the opposition that failed but took rent from some landlords. The pens are meant for marketing issues that are essentially meaningless but can be solved. These pens have become fish in troubled waters, and we always notice them reflecting images, sayings and things that are not true to begin with, and then their intentions towards the country and its people are known.

But what happened in Kassala was resolved by Lieutenant General Mufaddal with his wisdom and cunning, which certainly silenced all tongues, and therefore the decision he took clearly helped to calm the situation.

Thanks and gratitude go to our people, Beni Amer, Al-Habab, and all the citizens and residents of Kassala for their understanding of the whole issue, and so it was an opportunity for the enemies and those who lurk around the security of the country to destabilize it and open another facade.

Wisdom was the master of the situation. The local administration men, the tribes, the government of Kassala and its governor were grateful for the tremendous efforts they had made to preserve the security and safety of the people of the state.

O people of Kassala, you are grateful for your role and you have the right to know who shed the blood of your martyred son, and perhaps you knew it, and know that the people of Sudan are with you and your cause, and you are legitimate people and indigenous residents of Kassala, and nothing else, as some media personalities who want to use you as torches have described to you. I tell you by word, the country is in dire need of unifying the internal front. Sudan is targeted and wars have wiped out the green and arid lands, and Kassala, your state is safe. Some wanted to destabilize its security. and the entity and make us tribes like matches to light the fire of conflict. The country's sufficiency has been destroyed, the resources have been plundered and the infrastructure has been destroyed, the rest remains, let us preserve its security and keep the apparatus and everything. the devices in the eyes of your eyes, because it is the only institution that was born from your womb, and the country is living in a very bad security situation, so look at the displaced and look at the refugees who came from neighboring countries. , inhabitants of Kassala, are enjoying security. Praise God for this and thank those who are responsible for ordering it. The wars we are currently experiencing are the work of those who want the tribes to attack each other, and the result is a bloodbath. Miss these opportunities and close the windows in the face of those who hide around you and your state. Be a support and support. for your governor and your security services. Support them and do not get drawn into the rumors of the malicious enemies of God and the homeland. You are making yourselves the direct interests of the defunct parties who have an agenda to fuel the fires. of conflicts.

We tell you, and you probably know this, that the National Security and Intelligence Service is responsible for the security of the country and one of its most obligatory duties is to support it, to empower it, to support it and to make its members and leaders a subject of respect and appreciation. These leaders, led by the team, are favored by them and their hearts are turned towards Sudan, including Kassala State as a gateway to the countries of the century, and thanks to these leaders, it has remained safe and stable despite being adjacent to a number of countries of the century with tribal and cultural differences and overlaps, but also despite these interests that have their influence on the overall security situation.

The course of events that have erupted in the state is only a warning of a war to come, but the security services, under their various names, remain the ones that respond to any agent or person who seeks to harm Kassala land. The security services are those that work to maintain security and stability. You have noticed, in the past, how Kassala and its people were attacked in their backyards. At that time, the security apparatus and its employees did not sit idly by. They have a clear role and continue to align themselves alongside the armed forces to defeat the rebellion.

The apparatus in front of which you gathered, denouncing the imposition of sanctions on those who committed this heinous crime, is first of all a legitimate right and your right, but thank the Mufaddal team because it made a wise decision and judgment regarding the delivery of those involved. to justice. All that remains for me to do is to tell you to calm down as long as the case is ongoing and on the way to justice, God willing, the criminals will receive their punishment as long as the favored team is the one that led and will follow. this file itself.

You will perform your duties, open your shops and practice your professions, and your rights will be restored to you, God willing.

Oh my God, I passed it on, so bear witness to it.


Abu Hiyam

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