Government of Sudan from Port Sudan – Budgets – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

The spokesmen of the enemies of the current government of Sudan, and in fact of the entire Sudanese people, have remained as proof of their position alongside those who insult, humiliate, rob and displace this people. They have continued to repeat that the current government is the current government of Port Sudan, which means that it runs Port Sudan and operates in this area and does not represent the whole of Sudan.

That governments operate from capitals that differ and change from time to time is a common and well-known fact, and that a government is forced to change its capital temporarily or permanently is a common thing that people know, and it does not harm the economy. government of Sudan if it is transferred to another city, which we hope in the future, Port Sudan will become the economic capital, Khartoum the administrative capital, Kadugli the heritage site and El Fasher the tourism, or for that. be summer and winter, and so on, so that the government's workplaces and the stays of officials are distributed among the citizens of each region of the country at a time…

The Government of Sudan, from Port Sudan, travels around the world and enters all capitals, participating in all forums on behalf of the Government of Sudan. As such, it does not need additional recognition, as is currently the case for American recognition. especially since ministers and senior officials participated in it, and on American soil, as representatives of the Government of Sudan…

The government of Sudan, from Port Sudan, works in all regions of the country through its existing agencies and ministries. In agriculture, there is an uninterrupted movement, and in industry and trade, there are conferences that activate and organize the movement of industry and trade. Trade and their future throughout the country. In the field of health, there is a minister movement that includes most, if not all, states, and the movement of education, teaching and higher education is also observed. The Ministry of Information, which some criticize, would not have been criticized without the movement, because the rule says that inactive people do not feel it and that is why they do not care.

As for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the issue is clear and does not deserve to be clarified, and the Interior is sufficient for what it has done in terms of recovering information and files, introducing passport factories, and beginning to support the army through advanced training of cadres who guard the neighborhoods and property of the people, and support the army by leading support convoys of about fifteen people, relying on its back and its economic pillar, the Customs Authority, which has remained the guardian of the Sudanese economy and feeds the information platforms every day with seizures and news of smugglers and saboteurs of the Sudanese economy. It has demonstrated different capabilities and strength in recent days thanks to its current leadership.

The Sudanese government in Port Sudan has never been suspected by the Sudanese people or the international community, countries, institutions and organizations. Thus, we do not see anything new in the recent confessions issued or attributed to the United States. or something that adds… The known does not redefine itself, these people…

May God help everyone

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