Governor Nile and leaders of the security and state committee participate in the befitting wedding ceremony of the Commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, Bashandi, and the slogan of the occasion is “joys without weapons”.

In the presence of a crowd of state leaders, led by Dr. Mohamed Al-Badawi Abdel-Majed Abu Qarun, Acting Governor of the Nile, the leaders of the state security committee, Lt. General Abdullah Al -Bashir, Lieutenant General Mahjoub Hassan Saad, leader of the popular armed resistance in the state, Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, executive director of the locality of Shendi, as well as the leaders, symbols and notables of Shendi and of Al-Mutama, as well as the civil and popular administrations and The security and leadership team, in a bright painting and simple celebration, took place at the rest of the 3rd Infantry Division in Bashandi. The celebration took place on the occasion of the wedding of the daughter of Major General Hamdan Abdel Qader Daoud. , commander of the 3rd Infantry Division in Bashandi.

This great stampede of official, civilian and popular leaders was a referendum on the status of Major General Hamdan Abdul Qadir Daoud, commander of the 3rd Shendi Infantry Division, and reflected the extent of social cohesion in the Shendi community and the extent of security. , security and assurance felt by the State in general and Shendi in particular. Perhaps the most brilliant move was that the celebration and auspicious marriage contract ceremony took place without sound. Guns are up, marriages are gunless, and that is the case. the example of leaders' commitment to ban the use of weapons at weddings. This is the second occasion in Shendi at the management level where the use of weapons is prohibited. The first was the occasion of the wedding of the leader's son. Abdullah Muhammad Othman, so this must be broadcast at all our weddings and events in all areas of the state.

We note that this special occasion was marked by the youth of Al-Khatmiyya and the youth of Sheikh Al-Hafyan praising Al-Habib Al-Mustafa, as well as enthusiastic songs and patriotic anthems from the group of music from the Third Division and certain artists. of the region.

Warm congratulations and blessings to the newlyweds, with sincere wishes for a happy married life, a home of money and children, happiness and goodness, God willing.

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