Governor of Gedaref… Can you hear me? – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

The presence of armed movements inside the town of Gedaref has become more of an evil than a good. We do not deny that the armed movements play a major role in supporting the armed forces, but in the recent period, deviations and deviations have increased here. and there, causing victims. Many citizens dared to complain about these abuses committed by the supporters of these movements inside the city of Gedaref and its surroundings. The police have recorded several reports in this regard, some of which are now. in the process of trial, but it seems that the case has not yet been resolved, and every day a new deviation appears, until the citizen gets angry about this matter and accuses the security committee of the state, led by the governor, for resolving this phenomenon, which has become clearly visible

The presence of the camps of these armed movements inside Gedaref is regrettable, especially in these exceptional security circumstances. We do not deny that the armed movements play a known and recognized national role, but any flight or deviation of their members. ruins their reputation and makes the citizen forget his role, and (the shame, if it is numerous, overwhelms my good reputation).

Armed movements must control their members and prosecute anyone who escapes militarily or legally. They must monitor and track their members and protect the crime before it happens. Their intelligence system must track it and report it to the security authorities to resolve it.

I come from my platform… I am sounding the alarm to the gentlemen of the state security committee because we are not allowing Gedaref to escape the loophole of escapes from armed movements. Oh, Mr. Governor, citizen of Gedaref (Al-Fihu is makfiuh). ), let him sleep the sleep of an innocent man, take it easy and enough concealment and concealment, because the matter has reached the stage of seriousness, one-eyed people must be told to him, you are a. -eyes, and he who wears a feather on his head wants to attack people with it, so take it away, and there is no one too big for the law. I advised you to turn around, hoping… that you. I will not investigate my advice tomorrow morning!

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