Governor Sennar meets with the head of the Kenana tribe and its leader, Al-Toum Hajo, in the office of the commander of the 17th Sinja Infantry Division.

Sennar Governor Prof. Tawfiq Muhammad Ali Abdullah met in the office of the Commander of the Seventeenth Infantry Division in Sinja with the General Supervisor of the Kenana Tribe in Sudan Mr. Ibrahim Al-Fouda and Chief Al-Toum Hajo. The meeting aimed to support the armed forces in their fight against the rebellion.

Governor Sennar said that the indigenous administration is the foundation of the society and constitutes the intellectual base, emphasizing that the real leader of the society is the man of the indigenous administration. He underlined his interest in arming youth with popular resistance. He also emphasized their desire to defeat these renegades. He said his meeting with Nazir was a continuation of the meeting with the head of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council. He also praised the efforts of Al-Toum Hajo. He stood with the armed forces. supported them with a number of frontline fighters

The commander of the 17th Sinja Infantry Division, Major General Othman Ismail Siraj, said that the rumors spread by the militia spokesmen will not affect our battle against these rebels, praising the fighting efforts of the indigenous administration and the Sinar people in popular resistance. , in addition to the unlimited support of citizens for the armed forces. He highlighted their interest in providing weapons to the popular resistance in the Dali region in order to support the forces stationed in this area to guard the southern border.

Al-Tom Hajo said that Sennar will remain cohesive and united thanks to its people and will continue to represent a model in the defense of land and honor through great harmony between the army and the executive authority and the community local. challenge for the armed forces, who won the bet by defeating the militias. He said that arming popular resistance is very important but it must be under the command of the armed forces. He said Sennar is the foundation of the Sudanese state. will remain as faithful as the people of Sinja, who are the foundation of humanity.

The leader of the Kenana tribe in Sudan said that we renew our stance alongside the armed forces for the survival of the Sudanese state and to preserve the social fabric, stressing that their support will continue in order to liberate every inch of the land Sudanese. emphasizing the need to arm the youth of the popular resistance in the Dali region to stand alongside their brothers in the armed forces stationed to protect the southern border.

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