Great community participation in the environmental sanitation campaign in Dim Al-Qaray

Large community groups participated in environmental sanitation campaign launched in Dim al-Qaray, Kabushi

Legislative and popular leaders, mobilized personnel, regular forces and students of different education levels participated.

The executive director of Shindi locality, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, said:

The launch of the environmental sanitation campaign which started with Dim Al-Qaray is an ongoing campaign. Local units.

Khaled pointed out that the slogan launched in 2024 AD is that Shendi will be the first locality in cleanliness at the state and Sudan levels.

The health director of Shindi locality, Samia Othman, said that the environmental sanitation campaign continues, but that it has stopped because the secretion of waste will not stop, and that health programs continue in their various aspects, whether it concerns security. drinking water, food safety, the adequacy of consumer goods and even programs to combat mosquitoes and malaria.

She said pesticides and sprays are available

Kabushi Unit Director Abu Bakr Adel confirmed that the campaign will continue until it becomes a behavior among citizens and officials.

The region's representative, Dr. Omar Ahmed Al-Sheikh, hailed the environmental sanitation program as a vital program and that the implementation of such programs confirms the normalization of civilian life despite the security conditions.

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