Green hydrogen…the future fuel for the reconstruction of Sudan – A gesture for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

The African continent is undergoing a radical transformation in the energy sector, as many countries are moving towards the adoption of renewable and clean energy sources. The African Global Hydrogen Summit, held in Namibia, confirms the importance of this transformation and opens new horizons for investment in the field of green hydrogen, considered the “new gold” of the energy world.

Sudan has enormous potential to lead the green hydrogen revolution on the African continent. With its vast desert areas that receive intense solar radiation and strong seasonal winds, Sudan is considered one of the richest countries in the world in renewable energy resources. These resources, combined with its strategic geographical location, make it a natural gateway to export green hydrogen to global markets.

The Sudanese vision is for Sudan to become a regional center for the production and export of green hydrogen, and for this sector to contribute to sustainable development and provide employment opportunities for young people. To achieve this vision, Sudan must take a set of strategic measures, including establishing an attractive legislative framework, developing laws and regulations that stimulate investment in the green hydrogen sector, ensuring investor protection, and establishing international partnerships by strengthening cooperation with developed countries and international organizations to exchange experiences and technologies and investing in the development of energy and transport infrastructure, including electricity and natural gas networks, and by moving towards manufacturing industries, linking green hydrogen production to manufacturing industries, such as fertilizer and ammonia production, to increase added value and training cadres, investing in human capacity building and training national cadres in modern technologies in the field of green hydrogen.

Despite its enormous potential, Sudan faces many challenges that must be overcome to achieve its green hydrogen ambitions, including the need to achieve political and security stability to attract investment, overcoming the current economic crisis, providing the resources needed to invest in renewable energy projects, and sustainably managing water resources, especially since green hydrogen production requires large amounts of water.

Green hydrogen represents a golden opportunity for the reconstruction of Sudan, by creating employment opportunities. The green hydrogen sector contributes to creating new employment opportunities for young people, especially in rural areas, by diversifying sources of income, reducing dependence on traditional income and leading to diversifying sources of national income. By improving the living standards of citizens by providing clean energy at affordable prices, this makes Sudan a major player in the global and regional energy market and strengthens its position as a leading country in the field of renewable energy.

Green hydrogen is the fuel of the future and is essential for Sudan’s sustainable development. With political will and international support, Sudan can achieve its ambitions to become a regional hub for green hydrogen production and export and contribute to building a more sustainable and prosperous future for generations to come.

The Sudanese government, the private sector and civil society must work together to achieve this vision, while strengthening international cooperation by concluding partnership agreements with developed countries and international organizations, investing in human capacity building and training national cadres in modern technologies in the field of green energy and hydrogen and marketing Sudan as an attractive destination for investments in the green hydrogen sector.

Green hydrogen can be said to represent a historic opportunity for Sudan to transition to a sustainable green economy. With political will and international support, Sudan can achieve its ambitions of becoming a regional hub for green hydrogen production and export and contribute to building a more sustainable and prosperous future for generations to come.

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