Greetings of glory and eternity to the martyrs of our armed forces on their feast day – Al-Burhan's speech: The strongest thing uttered since the departure of Al-Bashir ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo


++ A speech that was strong in its vocabulary, clear in its meanings, fluent in its expressions, was not weighed down by length and was not shrouded in ambiguity, each sentence filled its vocabulary according to what the president wanted, and each sentence gathered values, dignity, pride, prestige and dignity………

++ Al-Burhan affirmed that our armed forces and people continue to make sacrifices without harm or injury, preserving the cohesion of each on the soil of their homeland, refusing to compromise its unity and entity as a unified entity without the slightest negligence.

++ The Sudanese people were very happy and their eyes were filled with joy and satisfaction when they heard and saw Al-Burhan explicitly announcing: “There is no peace, and the militia is occupying our homes, our cities and our villages, besieging them, and cutting off the roads to the regions intended for our beloved country…

++ Al-Burhan said it decisively: there will be no cessation of operations without the withdrawal and exit of the last militias from the cities and villages they have invaded))000

++ Stressing that ((the path to peace or ending the war is clear, which implies the implementation of what we agreed in Jeddah in May 2023 AD))000

++ This historic speech called things by their cat, without the slightest harshness, and it indicates that its armed forces will work to celebrate their anniversary next year, God willing, and that our country has been cleansed of the filth of the Al-Daglo militia. Also this name will spread widely after this speech, and the majority will repeat it in homage to its heroic leader…

++ This speech is like the most important political document. Hence President Al-Burhan's reference to the cohesion of the people with their army in the face of brutal foreign aggression and invasion. Therefore, as long as the army wages a fierce war, anyone who proves their involvement in supporting, assisting and supporting foreign militias will lose their place :((Al-Darwa) )) A conciliatory sanction and a quick judgment without the slightest delay, laxity, or procrastination….

++ Foreign militias supported him – according to the statement – and behind him stood and moved the hidden and known international and regional circles, the first of which were the state of evil, Chad, Kenya and Ethiopia, even if the statement does not list them as indicated here…

++ The drought ((God honors the listeners)) has been condemned absolutely and criminalized massively, and the speech indicates this implicitly, not explicitly. The phrase: ((Unfortunately, they are supported by a hired political group that chose for itself to do so. in the face of our honorable people)) is a phrase that everyone, without exception, agreed was intentional. These are humiliations of the drought, may God curse them. They are among those who have declared their total and blatant bias towards the militia. ..

++ This speech succeeded in sending an assurance that eliminated the suspicions of some skeptics that the army leaders would submit and submit to the Geneva negotiations. Here is the evidence that traces a path to peace, which is the commitment of the rebel militias to protect civilians. and evacuate their homes…

++ Just as this speech made the Sudanese people happy, in the same way it worried their drought and made it in a “wonderful way” that reflects the tension and confusion in them that they did not expect from Al-Burhan The Greatest. The proof of this is that Muhammad Al-Faki Suleiman, famous for untying the mantle of the king of idleness and political idiocy in Sudan, addressed Al-Burhan, in a sentence overflowing with defeat, defeat, hope and disappointment, asked him to go to Geneva. He asked him to do so after addressing him: ((Go to Geneva and we are all with you)) 000

++ It seems there was more than ((drink)), so his ((poor)) soul asked him that there were roaring mobs of Sudanese behind him, and he did not know that measures had now been taken against him to recover him and the rest of his lovers, who should have been arrested before the war broke out or soon after so that they could not escape…

++ We renew our thanks and appreciation to Commander Al-Burhan, whose popularity is on the rise considerably and continues, and he expresses the opinion of a patient, patient and united people in supporting, assisting and supporting our armed forces for the sake of a noble goal, which is not to see the humiliation of drought or the Janjaweed militias after dancing on the elites of murder, captivity, looting and forced displacement and families for all Sudanese residents…

++ Then greetings and recognition to the heroes of our valiant army, security, intelligence, police, resistance, anti-terrorist forces and special forces…

++ He is therefore the spokesperson of all the traitorous Qahati who are hateful towards the Sudanese people. We remember his word of the Almighty: “Say: “Die in your anger.”

*++Our army, machine*

*++Be careful, Jinn*

*++Resistance or courage*

*Omar Capo*

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