Hamdan said (Bullets kill one and the pen beats the armies) Media is sovereignty and leadership in the war of dignity – Let's march – ✍️ Raja Al-Nuwairi

🟤 Partners of the same concern and common goal in the War of Dignity, the Commander of the 3rd Infantry Division (Shendi), Major General Hamdan Abdul Qadir Daouad, met with the leaders of the media and media agencies and the Expatriate Media Association. Professionals in the localities (Shendi and Al-Matma) in the Al-Tanweer Hall within the 3rd Division of the General Command, and the meeting was a tribute and appreciation of the national role and the great intensification of the media and media personalities. in the War of Dignity by directing their pens, writings and words against the rebels and the brutal Janjaweed militia.

🟤 Hamdan spoke, saying: “The media in Nile State represents the main pillar of this cursed war, which was imposed on us and was not taken into account.” He added: “They were the first to lead the battle of Karama.” in the media while the national media was absent and disrupted, and the military media partially stopped,” praising the role played by the media in Nile State. Confronting all the deceptive and targeted operations carried out by the enemy media through a fierce campaign of deception. and fake media and planting its poisoned arrows in the chest of the heroic Sudanese people, for whom history has recorded great heroic deeds throughout time.

🟤 The Commander of the Third Division said: “This is a testimony that will be recorded in history for generations, passed down from generation to generation for the Nile State, especially (for the localities of Shendi and Matama), for the great and important role played by the media in the War of Dignity, in refuting the rumors, sedition and malicious lies spread by the militia press rooms with the aim of sowing discord within the army. And the people, His Excellency, said: “They did not do it.” We got what they wanted, but rather we increased our strength and solid cohesion,” referring to the cohesion that occurred between the people and the army, he expressed it joyfully with the phrase “One people, one army.”

🟤 He added, saying that this is one of the virtues of war. What united the army and its people, and their concerns became one and the same.

🟤 Major General Daoud urged media professionals to unite their words to move in one direction, stressing that unity creates strength in the sentence (a bullet kills someone and a word defeats armies). He added that we do not want direct media, but rather direct media. we want media that directs us to victory and liberation from the filth of rebels and enemies of the homeland. The leader gave good news that victory will come in the near future, praising the role of new media. he described as “exceptional”, a real addition, a strong momentum, and the leadership of local media in the Nile State and in the localities of Shendi and Matama. His Excellency thanked the media professionals and their leaders for responding to the call and enriching the meeting with wonderful words and renewing their confidence in the Armed Forces and standing by their side, using their pens and all their different means, to defend the homeland and preserve its land.

They stressed that the media will remain the most powerful weapon in the war for dignity.

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