Hamdok Conference.. The impossible mission – Behind the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*It is not surprising that the conference was dedicated to improving the image of the Rapid Support Militia,*

*It is sad that poet Azhari Muhammad Ali participated in improving the image of the Rapid Support Militia*

*Former Prime Minister and Chairman of the Conference Preparatory Committee cannot be wrong about the name of the original Federal Party and the Sudan Liberation Movement,*

The hopes of the most optimistic and pessimistic people at the Taqaddam Conference were dashed. They expected the working hours during the conference to be around (60) hours, and after reviewing the agenda it became clear that the working hours only amounted to ( 9). ) hours, and (6) hours of rest between sessions, (6) hours of specific sessions, and (6) hours for governing body selection and final session. It is clear from the agenda that the workshop on security and military reform. – and transitional justice – were to be merged, and they will be discussed and approved within two hours. Two hours were also allocated to discuss and approve the results of the (governance) workshop and it is noted that. two workshop titles that did not take place or were not announced are workshops (Constitutional Arrangements – The political vision to end the war and establish the Sudanese state),

The hours of deliberation, discussion and approval of documents amounted to only (9) hours, and given that the management of the sessions provided three minutes for each participant, only (120) participants out of a total of ( 600) participants must participate. in the discussion, so what is the advantage of them suffering difficulties and being present from the ends of the earth, in addition to the downtime to chant and interrupt the speakers?

Opening speech of the chairman of the preparatory committee, Dr. Hamdok was disappointed and he tried to improve the written text by improvising a few words, but they appeared as exhausting and heavy words in the text of the speech, and it t was perhaps a slip of the tongue in calling the original federal party “originally”. democratic”, and it was not expected that Hamdok (claims) that the participation of Professor Ibrahim Al-Marghani is the participation of the original Democratic Unionist Party, and it was necessary to clarify that the participation of (Al-Hilu) as an observer, in addition to the presence of figures excluded by the Shura Council, cannot be considered a representation of the People's Party, and therefore these participations cannot be included within the scope of the expansion of ( progress). So the conference began to continue the deception. and falsifying the will of political forces, and this is something Hamdok should not have been involved in. The former prime minister and head of the conference preparatory committee cannot be wrong about the name of the original federal party and the Sudan Liberation Army. movement.

The (virtual) representative of the farmers, Mr. Ibrahim Darafi, thought, and partly sinned, that he was speaking in a real conference, in the presence of civil and democratic forces, and the man seemed proud of his participation, and as soon as Speaking in clear terms, he condemned the violations and crimes of the supporting militias. He was quickly interrupted and prevented from speaking. It was not helped by the repair by including the name of the armed forces and the requests of the platform management. the audience did not help him finish his speech. Unfortunately for Hamdok, this scene, which lasted two minutes, completely changed the image that the construction companies tried to create at the conference, Taqaddam does not support any criminalization of the sector. Violations committed by the Rapid Support Militia The Taqaddam project and its future depend on the presence of the Rapid Support Militia on the scene.

It is not surprising that the entire conference was dedicated to improving the image of Rapid Support (Shouts to Lam Qarun), and the pressure exerted by representatives of the Rapid Support militia, inside the hall and behind the scenes, was disappointing and sad for the friends and fans of Mr. Azhari Muhammad to participate in an impossible mission to clear the name of the militia from the crime of murder, looting, theft and rape When the poet is he a poet of the pain of his people. ? Al-Azhari would not have tarnished his reputation and distorted his image in this horrible way. This is not the Azhari I know.

May 28, 2024 AD

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