Hamdok. Soft and light. Who authorized this trio? – The edge of the sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

0 In a beautiful and comfortable lobby of a five-star hotel in Nairobi, metaphorically called Little London, the astonishing trio (Hamdok, Al-Hilu and Abdel Wahid Nour) met for two whole days to discuss of the Sudan question and the ongoing war there. Hamdok, because he is a former Prime Minister, and Al-Hilu and Abdel Wahed, because they lead armed movements. They said the objective of the tripartite meeting was an immediate ceasefire with a view to a definitive cessation of the war and the need for desalination. They said this would be done with real will and with regional and international efforts. the Jeddah platform.
0 It is a strange and strange thing, three of which have not made any real effort in this war that has displaced the Sudanese people, killed their sons and daughters, raped their women and supported the line of countries that want to divide the Sudan. .
They want to stop the war of which they are an integral part, and I do not know why they do not meet inside the country, while they are Sudanese, the people concerned and the armed forces who protect the land and the honor ? Indeed, who authorized them to speak on behalf of the Sudanese people?
You can imagine, after all these sessions and the dialogue that took place between this unwanted trio, imagine what came out of the recommendations of their political declaration, as they called it, thus: (The unity of Sudan, the democratic regime and the establishment). of a secular state). This means that after all the waiting, steadfastness, patience, loss of martyrs and wounded, fasting and bandaged stomachs, breakfast will be served (Onion).
We have said before, and we say it again today, that those who ruled the country for four years and who sought out the pagans and allowed same-sex marriage, the consumption of alcohol, drugs, ice and all forbidden things will have no place in today's Sudan. pride, dignity, magnificence and hubris, and they will no longer think of governing it, especially after all their tricks have been revealed and their deception has made even the young people of the revolution who supported them every moment cursed. 'they have passed. them. And for their freedom, their change, their progress and their movements.
0 The youth have learned their lesson and there is no longer anyone spreading a brilliant agenda, loud speeches, deceptions and false and false slogans.
The era of deception is gone forever and all the brilliant tricks and lies have been exposed.
0 Hamdok and his group want to impose their presence by co-opting organizations that support their destructive plan that seeks to divide Sudan and install the Arab diaspora and hired mercenaries, but this is far from being the case. By the Lord of Glory, and with the permission of the One and Only, Sudan will only be for its people and by the will of its armed forces, its summoners, its men, its women, its old and its youth.
O trio who are angry with all the Sudanese people, you will not get what you want and you will not get your wishes. Therefore, wet your political statement and drink (his death).
And tomorrow, Sudan, you will grow up.
Stay higher and stay cooler
Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue if there is rest in life. God is behind the intention.
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