Hamdok… where did you find this? – Behind the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*How did Hamdok go from being the head of the conference preparatory committee (of Taqaddam) to its president, reaching agreements even without consulting (the people of Taqadum) themselves?*

*Hamdok signed an agreement with Al-Hilu in his capacity as head of Taqadum. He found neither recognition nor consideration in this capacity from Abdel Wahed, so he signed in his capacity as former Prime Minister.

*Where does Hamdok finance his shuttle travel between countries, and where does he pay the cost of the conference (Taqaddum)?*

*Hamdok was one of the main reasons for Hemedti's expansion into executive power*

*Hamdok voluntarily handed over the peace file to Hemedti, which is his responsibility according to the text of the constitutional document,*

*Hamdok insisted that Hemedti assume the presidency of the Economic Committee (Hamdok is his deputy), which is at the heart of the work of the executive apparatus.*

*Hamdok stood there and observed Hemedti's interference in the appointment of senior state officials, obstructing the work of the judiciary, the prosecution, the Bank of Sudan and controlling the portfolio of strategic assets,*

The question is twofold. The first is: where did you obtain this authorization? Second, where did you get this funding? Below the first, Dr. Hamdok presented his resignation on air to the Sudanese people and declared that he was returning the trust to his people. After that, no one knew how Hamdok got permission to perform any role on behalf of the Sudanese people, and no one knew how. Hamdok moved from the position of head of the preparatory committee of the “Taqaddum” conference to its chairman, who concludes agreements even without consulting themselves (the people of Taqaddum). He signed an agreement with Al-Hilu in his capacity as head of the conference. (Taqadum), and he did not find recognition of this ability or consideration from Abdel Wahed, so he signed in his capacity as former Prime Minister. This alone is evidence of Hamdok's agitation and inability to show up and negotiate. achieve this signature at all costs, because the goal is the signature of Abdel Wahid, ignoring that Abdel Wahid himself has nothing to do with himself. At the moment when the latter goes too far in adopting the foreign agenda, its forces have united. fight alongside the army in El Fasher. Al-Hilu knows that most of those facing attacks from his forces are from the Nuba people in whose name he speaks, and that with this agreement he is using their problems as fuel for his own battles. and to achieve his personal ambitions, without regard to the humanitarian conditions in the areas he controls. As soon as he almost signed the agreement to pass on humanitarian aid, the Emirates Messenger met with him to discourage him from signing, so he stipulated conditions. it had nothing to do with the relief or its passage. Al-Helu stipulated that the government would refuse.

What is the goal of the “Progrès” conference? Hamdok resolved the controversial issues and signed them into the Nairobi Declaration. These are issues that require the agreement of all the Sudanese people on them, and even an (elected) parliament cannot do that. decide on it, including (the form of government, the way Sudan is governed, religion and state issues), besides a round table will decide the participants or those who agreed in advance what was declared in the Nairobi Declaration.

With this signature, Hamdok proved, retroactively, that he was not a statesman and that he did not deserve the position of Prime Minister, especially since everyone knows how he reached this position.

Firstly, the criteria for the candidate for this position, including the absence of dual nationality, were exceeded, and subsequently, money, bribes and promises were paid by the Emirates to the Forces of Freedom and Change. The nominating committee's priorities suddenly reversed. with the nomination of Hamdok by the representative of the Professionals Association and the Federal Assembly, and the support of the representative of the Al-Madani community and the representative of the Consensus Forces, and the meetings were interrupted for two weeks because which the representative of the Sudan Appeal refused to accept.

At that time, decisions were made unanimously. In a few days, the hold of the Sudanese Call forces weakened. Only Imam al-Sadiq al-Mahdi, may God have mercy on him, remained, as well as the representative of the Sudanese Baath Party. He was one of the Sudan Appeal representatives on the nominations committee, as was the other Sudan Appeal representative. He was not present at the meeting. Hamdok's appointment as Prime Minister was approved at the Central Council meeting only with the reservation of the Central Council. Sudanese Baath Party.

Hamdok was one of the main reasons for Hemedti's expansion into the executive apparatus. He voluntarily handed over to him the peace file, which is his responsibility according to the text of the constitutional document, and insisted that Hemedti assume the presidency of the Economic Committee, which is currently in office. the heart of the work of the executive apparatus, and remained and observed Hemedti's interference in the appointment of senior state officials and the obstruction of the work of the judiciary, the public prosecutor's office and the Bank of Sudan, controlling the strategic product portfolio. , and continues to control the market for gold and petroleum products, and has remained silent about the presence of Abdel Rahim and others at the meetings of the (Council of Ministers and Sovereignty), and they are not members of the Council of Ministers or the Council of Ministers of Sovereignty and other members of the Sovereignty Council have remained silent on the continued violation of the constitutional document and its replacement with what was agreed in the Council of Partners.

Hamdok is in great difficulty, and the honeymoon will soon end with the people of Taqadum, and he will be reprimanded by the financiers of his failed project, after wallowing in the mud of humiliation, Hamdok does not listen not the advice even of those close to him. However, we advise him to reveal the sources of financing for his shuttles between… countries, and where the costs of the (Taqaddam) conference will be paid. Will he keep his promise when he accepted the mission to lead the preparatory committee, namely that he did not want to be the head of Taqadum? Many of Hamdok's friends advise him to resign from Taqadum before he is forced to do so?

May 20, 2024 AD

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