Hamidati, death was Ashraf! ✍️ Abdul Rahman Sorood

Men whose names are going through times as a criterion of attributes. When a man informs them in an amount that no one else preceded, he is worthy to carry the banner of this capacity, and his name becomes an example of walking that they measure without him .. of (—— -), a void – therefore – fill it with reassuring after the speech is presented to you and its fullness.
What was an army – in the history of wars – which needs the emergence of their commander among his forces in the need for rebellion forces because their leader appeared in the middle of their advancement, then they are broken during that they were defeated!
History has never seen a chief who failed his forces and his soldiers, let his supporters and supporters fail, let his fans and his hugs fail, and even left his external and internal financiers as What head of the rebellion all!
That Hamida does not appear when her forces were victorious, the capital of the island – the city of Wad Madani, for example – that he did not appear at the time among his forces when they were Together to enter the capital of the island – and I do not know the importance of the island's association. Back to her? !
And they said the same thing in Sinja .. and in Mawwia Jabal .. and in the refinery. ..And in the republican palace !! For what position, what location or moment – you see – provides their appearance this man!? .
So, and I watched his speech – and I did not listen to – I moved throughout the period of speech of the content of the discourse, to the man with a radical impression that if a man was dead, It would have been more honorable than that which does itself and its strength. So the speech ended and my mind came back from its wandering, thank God! .
And the one who wants to fill this void to do it, but I won't do it!
And overdood revives you ,,,,
🍇 Abdul Rahman Sorood