Harvest of the Ends – Friday Sermon 3 Rabi' al-Awwal 1446 AH – 9/6/2024 at the New Mosque Souq Al-Damer

Sheikh Ahmed Al-Jabrawi, lawyer and national expert, stressed that the miserable reality we are living in is what our hands have harvested due to the abuse of the first harvests, which led to this devastating harvest. is still ripe for review and to make up for the past with an integrated set of work and seriousness.

This was in his sermon at the mosque of the new Souq Al-Damer in the city of Al-Damer, whose courtyards were filled with worshipers on the third day of the month of Rabi' al-Awwal 1446 – 9/6/2024.

He opened his sermon with the words of the Almighty: “Is he better who founded his building on the fear of God and His approval, or he who founded his building on the edge of a raging cliff and it collapses into the fire of Hell? God does not guide the evil-doing people. The structure they have built will always cause doubt in their hearts unless their hearts are torn apart. And God is All-Knowing and All-Wise.”

The sermon laid clear milestones by planting correct beginnings so that we can enjoy the harvest of happy endings, based on consolidating the milestones of monotheism. Almighty God said:

“Have you not seen how Allah struck a good word, like a good tree, and it is good. For people, perhaps they remember and love the words of a tree, like a tree of breach in this worldly life and in the Hereafter, Allah misleads the wrongdoers and Allah does what He wills.” Ibrahim (24-27)

The correct doctrine is the essence and key to the solution, revival, development, pride and unity. He, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, said: “My uncle, I want them to stick to a word that they say as well as the Arabs. It is up to them…” Al-Tirmidhi authenticated it, and the doctrine generates a living awareness of blame, especially since the basis of the Sudanese crisis is the crisis of conscience that has struck so many people in our society in all its aspects.

The second issue is to attain piety as stated in the above verse.

Thirdly, the sermon referred to maximizing moral values ​​in society, such as honesty, responsibility and honesty, according to his saying, may the prayers and peace of God be upon him: “He who is dearest to me and closest to me in the assembly of the Day of Resurrection will have among you the best morals.” (Reported by At-Tirmidhi).

(He who deceives us is not one of us) Al-Bukhari implied that this constitutes a major challenge for our Sudanese nation, given the major failure in this aspect.

Then the sermon explained the value of balancing rights and duties as the fourth way, and that rights are the result of fulfilling duties. When society fulfills its duties, rights come to it; if society remains captive to demands without doing work and production, it will erode and destroy some of it. Many tensions among our people remain due to the glorification of rights and claims over duties and functions.

Fifth, the sermon spoke about the optimization and deepening of science and knowledge, and the connection between education and the needs of the nation for renaissance and construction, and not about appearances and boasting. The secret of renaissance in India, for example, was technical and vocational education, and many other working countries have provided what suits them as regards the requirements of the educational process.

Sixth, the sermon also clarified the importance of collective reason, national strategic thinking and planning, and achieving national consensus on healthy, mature and mature political practice, based on meeting, knowledge, awareness, justice and healthy creative balance, with conscious creative balance. , pure and patriotic political vessels, managing resources with awareness and creative and transparent thinking, and employing diversity by accepting each other, transcendence and tolerance. The homelands were not built with hatred, but with kindness. and grant him peace, forgive the people of Makkah when he conquered it and say: “Today is the day of mercy.”

In the seventh axis, the preacher sternly warned against competition for power and money, and that it is one of the causes of division among the people of the nation. He said, may the prayer and peace of God be upon him: “Two hungry wolves. sent to kill sheep do not spoil them any more than the greed of a person for money and the honor of his religion.

Eighth, Al-Khatib explained that our need in Sudan is to have a serious, responsible and professional media discourse that elevates the interests and priorities of the nation, establishes and defends values ​​and distances us from the trivial media that has come to dominate everyone except those whom God has mercy on them.

Ninth, the advisor stressed the importance of promoting positivity in society and rejecting the negativity that has paralyzed us so much. Everyone wants to depend on others, and few are those who start working, reforming themselves, repairing hernias and filling what separates us. Positivity must be built.

Tenth, Al-Khatib stressed the value of time management as an important value. We have wasted precious time due to disagreements, war, the spirit of revenge and wasting years and lives on useless things, and time is a great blessing for this. we are responsible.

At the end of his sermon, the preacher emphasized the value of returning to God, repentance, kindness towards creation, and having a good opinion of God in order to change our situation to something better than Him.

May the blessings and peace of God be upon His Messenger, his family and all his companions.

The Destroyer

3 Rabi' al-Awwal 1446 AH

06/09/2024 AD

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