Has journalism become a commodity in a market in crisis? – On Low Heat – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

Journalism is considered one of the fundamental pillars of societies, as it plays a vital role in educating the public and conveying facts. However, the crises that Sudan is facing as a result of the war between the rebel rapid support elements to the government and our national army have significantly affected the field of journalism, leading to the deterioration of journalistic values ​​to which society is accustomed.

Today, the word journalism takes on new connotations, as prices seem to be controlled and the need for financial support has increased, which can seriously affect the integrity and quality of the media.

Journalism is not just a means of transmitting information, but rather it is the voice of society and the mirror of its reality. The media plays a vital role in building a conscious society by providing accurate and objective information, dissection and analysis of the political scene.

In normal times, journalists are independent enough to take responsibility, but in times of crisis, standards often change.

It becomes difficult to maintain integrity and objectivity when private interests collide with the public interest.

Journalistic values ​​are greatly affected by crises, as journalists are exposed to pressures related to livelihoods and circumstances. They may be forced to sell the scene or focus on specific stories that benefit specific parties. This change in the treatment of information turns journalism, which was supposed to be a reliable source, into a mere commodity in the crisis market. Despite all this, the question remains?

How can we restore honesty and integrity in this vital sector?

Today, the press is suffering from a stifling financial crisis. Many journalists and media workers do not receive adequate salaries or even benefits, forcing them to accept any financial offer, regardless of the quality of the content. This crisis is compounded by difficult living conditions, which puts additional pressure on journalists to conform.

Ultimately, these pressures lead to a deterioration in the quality of content offered to the public, which has negative consequences for the media as a whole.

In the context of current events, journalists must be aware of national priorities and their moral duty.

Media work should not simply consist of transmitting information, but rather should include a position that expresses the values ​​of the nation.

And the lack of nationalism and patriotism, such as the armed forces that symbolize the unity of the country, and wage a war with a rebellious entity that escapes the sovereignty of the state, a violator and usurper that must be defeated with weapons and the pen.

The press plays an important role in shaping media content. If there is no consensus between the media and national interests, the consequences will be negative for society as a whole.

Journalists live in difficult conditions, where financial instability affects every aspect of their lives.

Basic issues such as food and housing are becoming a major challenge. Journalists are barely able to meet their daily needs, which negatively affects their ability to provide high-quality content. Today, media platforms must be more aware of their reality and provide effective support to journalists to strengthen their ability to influence society.

Restoring media integrity requires promoting good journalistic values ​​and increasing support for journalists and media professionals. This requires cooperation between media organizations and the community, including providing necessary training and resources.

We must provide the media with an independent environment in which they can operate, free from financial pressures and external factors. Only in this way can the press regain its true role as an observer of events and an influence on society.

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