Has the Sudanese government started to approach the Geneva negotiations – The face of truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

In a previous article, we pointed out that the Sudanese government had set specific conditions for him to agree to go to the negotiating platform in the Swiss capital, Geneva, on August 14… to sit down with the rebels of the Rapid Support Forces… These conditions were represented in four fundamental points related to national sovereignty… sent by the Sudanese government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the American mediator…; After thanking him for the sincere efforts to end the war and emphasizing his willingness to move towards peace… his summary was the need to recognize the existing system of government because it represents the legitimacy with which Sudan deals with all countries of the world and all regional and international forums, as well as the need to adhere to what was agreed at the Jeddah forum with the rebel forces, which approved their exit from civilian property and citizens' homes… and opened safe routes for the rebels. arrival of humanitarian aid. The government also indicated as a priority its respect for the ceasefire… The government also stressed the need to consult it on the form and agenda of the negotiations and on the parties participating or attending them. also requested a meeting with the United States of America to organize good negotiations.

All these conditions, according to what the Al-Sharq News Channel website reported yesterday from a source in the Sudanese Sovereignty Council, were met and respected by the US State Department. On the evening of the same day, there was also a call between President Al-Burhan and the US Secretary of State (Anthony Blinken)… after which President Al-Burhan said in a tweet on the … and informed him that the rebel militias were besieging and attacking El Fasher and preventing the passage of food for the displaced people from the Zamzam camp.

Observers viewed the US State Department's response to the Sudanese government's concerns, as the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council called it, as a willingness by the United States of America to hold negotiations at the announced time…; This was for many reasons, including the fact that the war had reached a stage of suffering and exhaustion that affected the Sudanese, their government, the region around them and those supporting the rebellion… who did not take into account the steadfastness of the troops. The Sudanese army thwarted the plan to overthrow the existing regime and displace the population… when it was beginning to become clear to them… that this was a war and that it had not achieved its goal of empowering the people. rebel forces and replacing them with the army… in addition to establishing a secular state and disabling legal and judicial institutions… these goals were considered the most important objectives of the regionally supported change… which resulted in the overthrow of Al. -The Bashir regime… in 2019 AD.

Added to this is the extension of the impact of the war in Sudan on armed conflicts and regional security in the neighborhood of that country… and in North-Saharan Africa, which America is keen to keep calm at this stage… after considerable changes that have involved most of the governments in the region in the last period, which have encouraged the Russian and Chinese presence to act in favor of its agenda… and this includes its competition with America for influence in these countries rich in resources and wealth… Added to this is a possible famine with vast economic and social consequences following the war in Sudan, which has also affected the movement of goods and the transport of strategic goods in the border areas… as most of them depend on the ports. The arid areas and hot spots between Sudan and Sudan in terms of fuel, food supplies and commercial activity… have now completely ceased to function after the outbreak of the war.

Some observers also claim that the American desire to conduct negotiations and close the war file in Sudan is directly linked to the holding of the US elections next November, because the search for political gains before they take place, in addition to containing conflicts and reducing tensions in Sudan and the region, especially the extreme sensitivity that Darfur finds in the Black Bloc … also to finance the electoral campaign of the Democratic candidate (Kamala Harris) … and perhaps to finance the reconstruction of what was destroyed by the war through the United Arab Emirates, which comes to the negotiations as an observer to guarantee the implementation and financing of any possible agreement resulting from the negotiations … and then guarantees the entry of American and Western reconstruction companies.

In this context, there are important signals sent the day before yesterday by the US special envoy to Sudan (Tom Perillo) via the (Tanweer) broadcast. The Swiss talks will be built on the Jeddah platform as a basis. There will be ways. to ensure the implementation of the agreement with the participation of the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, the African Union and IGAD, so that they are part of the agreement.

This is also a good signal that justifies the presence of observers and eliminates the concerns of the Sudanese interior, which holds the United Arab Emirates responsible for starting the war and financing it… and fears that dictates will be imposed on any party. This will affect the outcome of the negotiations… as Perillo indicated, a clear indication that the participation of political parties and civil groups in the Swiss negotiations, due to the separation of the political track and the military track. , and this is what the Sudanese army has constantly emphasized… because security and humanitarian affairs are the responsibility of the government… while the political issue is the responsibility of the parties, which was previously agreed at a conference. Cairo for political parties and entities last month, as well as at the Addis Ababa conference the same month… under the auspices of the African Union, which approved the participation of all political parties and entities in a Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue within Sudan. I also read that a government of national civilian competences is concerned with running the executive apparatus of the state until elections are held.

All this confirms without a doubt that the Sudanese government will go to Geneva on August 14, in accordance with these guarantees and agreements, and that it must therefore go out to address the Sudanese people and announce what has been agreed with the American mediator. … before leaving … and answer the questions: will he participate? The Sudanese delegation presents itself on behalf of the Sudanese government, the army being part of it … while emphasizing that the negotiation will include the implementation of security arrangements. and securing humanitarian routes so that food and medicines reach the populations … which will be preceded by a permanent ceasefire.

In my opinion, it will be difficult to convince the Sudanese public of any other arrangement. Therefore, I do not expect it to succeed, even if the parties try to circumvent the desire of the Sudanese people for a just peace that guarantees that. they will not return to war, we have continued to affirm that the cost of war is high, regardless of the capabilities and determination of the army to fight it. Peace is the cheapest price. So peace remains a goal that we must all work to achieve and push all parties to achieve.. A peace that preserves and advances the security and sovereignty of the country.. It also preserves the blood, money and honor of the citizens..; Otherwise, keep your choices.. (The promoter does not want to pulverize) and (He who comes to you is covered, meet the naked person) is a Sudanese proverb.

May you always be well..

Tuesday, August 6, 2024 AD. (email protected)

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