Hatam and Al-Masid suffer under the yoke of torment!!! – Budgets – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

I made room today for a brother from Al-Masid in Al-Jazeera State. I did not meet him through the media and I really felt through his comments that he is one of my supporters, not of the war, but of those who caused what we are in, and even works to empower the Janjaweed instead of the ideological army, as they claim, but today he proved to me something other than what I was in and who do you think…

I ate the day I ate the white bull

She was martyred at dawn today, Saturday (yesterday), 6/9/2924, in Al-Masid, the cousin of the chemistry and biology teacher of Al-Masid secondary school, Nada Ibrahim Al-Jaali, by treacherous and treacherous bullets inside her house while she was defending herself and defending her display, which the invaders tried to desecrate and attack, she was killed in front of her husband and in front of her young children by a cowardly and treacherous bullet from a cowardly rebel from the militia. ..

The rapid support militia in Al-Jazeera State has turned its war against the defeated citizen. All the families that have not emigrated out of the state are families that do not have the means to travel to another destination, and they have remained firm in the face of these thugs, out of concern and to preserve their property and honors, but.

This is an undisciplined militia that suffers from a lack of control, coordination and barbarity. It has no decisive commands on the ground, does not respect itself and operates like isolated islands. This is the height of failure.

A militia that does not have the capacity to run a primary school in Shangil Tobaya, let alone run a country on its own, are complete failures, and yet a consultant comes before us from London or Cairo to defend the crimes and violations of this militia. They need pills to avoid shame in the face of their shameful lies.

Why does the militia point its gun at the chest of the defenseless citizen? Isn't this cowardice, treason and betrayal? They lack Sudanese morality and the morality of a normal Muslim with all their actions and the killing of a woman in her home for no reason.

The leaders of the Rapid Support Militia and its advisors claim that they have come to end injustice and tyranny in Sudan, that their war is against the remnants of the National Congress and that they want to achieve a state of justice. Is this the way to a state of justice? Is justice achieved by pointing your cowardly weapon at a defenseless citizen? We were saddened at the dawn of this day by this tragic incident that brought tears to everyone's eyes. The funeral of the martyr, teacher and nanny Nada was held in solemn procession, and everyone paid homage to her with tears and lamentations. Our chests were boiling like a cauldron, but we had no help, because we were defenseless and unarmed to resist this obvious injustice and tyranny. Crowds of mourners, men, women and children, moved to the building in Al-Masbad locality to meet with the leaders of the traitorous militias. We asked them to stop this chaos and control their militiamen, because the torrent has reached the sea and. Injustice has its limits. These leaders promised the citizens to resolve this chaos as usual and to stop the looting of property, but I know that they have no commitment, no obligation and no conscience. Yesterday, one of the rebel militia soldiers dared to enter one of the Wi-Fi centers in Al-Masid and detained 30 citizens in one of the classrooms for at least 3 hours and robbed them of their phones. No. one could move a finger because of fear and lack of cohesion, which incited the members of these rebels to commit a crime. He was killed in the evening of the same day, and tomorrow he will incite them to commit other violations. Finally, the crowds of unarmed citizens dispersed, waiting for the decisions to be made by the rebel leaders in Al-Masid after their meeting this morning. The citizens decided to go to meet the leader of the rebellion on the island, called Kikel, to resolve this chaos. And I always say that I ate the day I ate the white bull. The citizens of the island in general must unite and ally against the violations of this militia, express their anger in any form and form coordinating bodies in order to resist these brutal and rebellious forces. God is sufficient for me, and He is the best arranger of affairs, and I ask God to accept the martyr who died treacherously and unjustly, Professor Nada Ibrahim Ali Hamed.

On the inhabitants of Al-Masid / Muhammad Suleiman Yaqoub Ali

One last comment


Our people have remained on the island for a long time under the yoke of this occupation, these torments, these massacres and these abuses, and the country has organized throughout the country popular resistance bodies, some of which were equipped with the most powerful weapons. We are waiting for a decisive decision. and a large-scale attack with all these forces that it is no longer even possible to limit, so that the island, Khartoum, Sennar and all of Darfur are freed from these ignorant oppressors…

May God help everyone

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