Have mercy on those on earth, and those in heaven will have mercy on you ✴️ Another angle ✴️ ✍️ Dr. Amna Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Imam See More

From the repercussions of the war, to the crises that have demonstrated the values ​​of tolerance and humanitarian principles of the Sudanese people, as well as many types of moral decline, including greed, covetousness, exploitation of people's situation and even trafficking in patriotism and humanity. values. We all agree that the circumstances are difficult, the situation is complex and everyone is suffering, but

There is a minimum level of transactions agreed by all divine laws and human laws, and Islamic law is unique in that it details the jurisprudence of purchase and sale transactions and takes into account the circumstances of vulnerable segments, but a simple overview of the main and subsidiary transactions The markets of the city of El Obeid reveals the seriousness of the matter and taking into account all the factors that cause this disarray, we see fraud, scams and false oaths about the quality of the goods. You can go shopping with all your kilos to manage the family. , to arrive home and discover that the vegetables and sauce are expired and the soap is ineffective, knowing that there are goods that have been completely exaggerated, in addition to the exaggerated prices that have no control, and nowadays, transportation (is). incomplete) due to the fuel crisis and the bus crushers taking center stage (on seven-wheel drive, if you like it, drive) and everyone is suffering in incredible silence and patience.

This whole matter requires a pause and treatment. It requires a pause from us and ourselves because God has given us power over our sins against those who do not fear Him or have mercy on us. The people of the market must stop at Surah (). Al-Muttaffin) and the official authorities must pause and redouble their efforts to decode the markets and the hidden hands that are altering the livelihoods of the people.

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