Haya Locality Executive Director Receives Red Sea Health Support Team to Combat Acute Watery Diarrhea (Cholera)

The Acting Executive Director of Haya Locality, A0 Abdul Rahim, received today in his office the health support team to combat acute watery diarrhea (cholera) in the locality, headed by the Director of the General Department of Emergencies and Epidemic Control, A0 Fatima Muhammad. Othman, public health specialist and emergency expert at the Federal Ministry of Health, Dr. Abdullah Al-Halawi, in the presence of the relevant departments of the ministry. And the departments of the executive and health apparatus and the civil and community leaders of the locality.

The meeting discussed the state's efforts to combat cholera on all fronts, as well as the commitment to address gaps in the response to health emergencies and combat epidemics.

The Executive Director welcomed the health support team, stressing the importance of the visit in determining interventions to respond to the emergency health situation in the locality.

Stressing that the health situation requires urgent attention by providing emergency equipment and aid.

The support team clarified the objectives of the visit, the coordination between health and the locality to provide support and support in the implementation of health interventions at the state level in all axes, through the supervision team and the intervention teams visiting the locality earlier to assess the epidemiological situation. continue to provide technical support to local emergencies and implement the activities of the different axes in terms of provision of preventive and curative medical supplies, awareness raising, home and community visits, messages through the media, training of work cadres and coordination of partners. efforts to respond to health emergencies. The meeting ended with the establishment of a joint room between the local administration and health emergencies, headed by the Executive Director, to develop a unified action plan to deal with acute watery diarrhea in the locality.

The support team inspected Haya Hospital to identify problems and obstacles and develop solutions, and began to supervise and verify the readiness of the isolation center to receive daily epidemic cases.

Commit to implementing water chlorination and food control, with emphasis on environmental health and disease vector control work, starting home response and survey activities, and visiting patients' homes for sterilization.

The support team will carry out a number of visits to various health sites in the locality of Haya tomorrow.

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