Hazar continues to give… and swimmer Ziad makes the Sudanese people happy – Chronicle of sports letters – ✍️ Adel Suleiman

Professor Hazar Abdel-Rasoul, Federal Minister of Youth and Sports, keeps giving after giving during his trips back and forth between Sennar and Port Sudan, and his main concern is to activate sports in Sudan in the light difficult circumstances in which the country finds itself. she has our greetings, our admiration and our appreciation. On the other hand, she preferred to participate actively by accepting the invitation to attend the activities of the Conference of Arab Ministers of Youth and Sports, organized by the Libyan Jamahiriya in Tripoli from 21 to 24 of this month, where the minister had the honor of presenting a distinguished document on sustainable development and climate. The Minister was honored by the Ministers of Youth and Sports of the Jamahiriya in thanks and appreciation for her invaluable efforts in the field of youth and sports and for her desire to attend the Conference. conference, one of the fruits of this conference was the announcement by the Ministers of Youth and Sports and the directives of President Dabaiba of their agreement to host national team camps and open their stadiums for Sudanese clubs to practice sporting activities and prepare the Sudanese teams until life returns. normal in Sudan.

* The pleasant and resounding surprise that coincided with the feat achieved by Minister Hazar Al-Nasr, which was achieved by the Sudanese swimming champion, Ziad Slim, by winning the 200m gold medal, appeared in the activities of the African Adult Swimming Championship in Angola. , which is the first medal for Sudan throughout its history in this championship, which is the largest championship in Africa, and the champion also succeeded. Sudanese Bakri won the fourth place in Africa in the 200 breaststroke race, and we send him our greetings once again to the Sudanese Sports Swimming Federation, the technical staff and the hero Ziad, for what he has accomplished for Sudan. This is considered a unique and unprecedented feat in light of these complex circumstances, and he made the impossible possible through his determination. heroes and national loyalty, and he knew how to send to the world the message that the Sudanese champions, despite the difficulties, despite the suffering and despite the psychology, we can say that they were on time and that Sudanese sport is always. good, defying difficulties and conquering the impossible. Congratulations to the swimming stars, and what's coming is better, brighter, better and more beautiful, people of Sudan.

*May you always be proud of the motherland*

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