He is not heavy.. he is my brother ✍️ Ali Al-Fateh Al-Zubair

In Japan during the war, this boy (picture attached) was carrying his dead brother on his back to bury him. A soldier noticed him and asked him to throw this dead child away so he wouldn't get tired.

He's not heavy, he's my brother!

The soldier understood and burst into tears.

Since then, this image has become a symbol of unity in Japan.

The social bond was, is and will remain the highest moral and ethical level which constitutes the reality of defunct and dominant societies.

Almost all divine religions are not devoid of glorifying this value and working for its creation among people, starting with the family, relatives and human gatherings on all continents of the world.

Our true Islamic religion and its great book (the Holy Quran) are full of stories that show the position of brotherhood in support, support and support. Many prophetic hadiths recommend this connection and this bond which goes beyond the boundaries of brotherhood. (the maternal breast). So the Companions were brothers who loved each other, so religion spread and conquests developed through them on the basis of this relationship and this broad fraternal bond which was not prevented by race or color, and was surrounded by sincere love. , affection, compassion and a common destiny, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, spoke the truth when he said:

He who needs his brother, God needs him.

This was the basic rule in the construction of the city of the Chosen One, may God bless him and grant him peace, in (Yathrib), which sheltered and upheld Islam, and which God Almighty enslaved to him through the bonds of fraternity between immigrants. and the Ansar. They shared lodging, food and drink, with love first, and without suffering, nor harm, nor any expectation of gratitude. And Irfan, the one who said: “Maybe there is one of your brothers that your mother didn't have. give birth to” was true.

True brotherhood in goodness and kindness has become one of the treasures of the world that adorns our lives, and shines in its corridors a light that illuminates the darkness of the path in the darkness of the volatile world…

We in Sudanese society are proof of the bonds of brotherhood and their impact has no end. Whenever you turn left and right, in joys and sorrows, you will find (brothers) and (friends) by your side, supporting you and carrying your burden, however heavy it may be, and entering your soul Reassurance and happiness.. and with them and with them life is beautiful, and without them the earth is a desert, desolate..

In these difficult days, we should pick up the phone and miss them, especially those who are under bombardment and blogging in Darfur, Khartoum, Al Jazeera and all areas affected by this great affliction (war).

And among us there are many needy families who have chosen to stay, and they cover the sky with lead, as if they were waiting for death. It is easier for them than to reach out to beg. They have given them or prevented them. There are barely thousands of families who are threatened by the unknown of tomorrow and by the bitter reality of the lack of food, medicine and security.

This is why I call on civil society organizations and youth groups to launch an initiative to contain the idea of ​​standing by these bereaved families, to identify them and know their whereabouts, and to try to provide them with support, by all available means. are those who would like to leave, but their weak capacities prevent them from doing so, as the proverb says Popular (initiated, completed).

In these moments, I alternate with some beautiful poems from popular literature by several young writers who translate the meaning of fraternity through sober words that resonate in our ears and express the importance of spreading this noble morality and this ethics in these times. of this poet is

*Abdo Wad Sennar Al-Kahli*


We are harvested into this world by disordered men

Do good, let it be said 💛✨

You must die as long as you live long

People bragged about their iron and their silver

We are proud to have lost men 💖✨

I have a brother who doesn't rhyme or write poetry in your sleep ❤✨

In the hour of distress, relief will be your concern 💕✨

There is no requirement that the meat itself comes from your blood.

You may have your brother, but he wasn't born to your mother♥✨

The poet also sang

*Zain is like Lahwi's pajamas*


I don't think we knock on the door of brotherhood, exhausted by pride.

And the heat breaks and two pieces extend the band

Brothers, positions, what he felt in his diary

Lakhu is a sword of victory and also a protection and a shield

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