Head of the Khartoum Journalists Association in the locality of Shendi at the Voice of the Armed Forces. The launch of the Shendi Town Cleanup Project continues in support of the locality and its leaders.

🟣In an intervention on the Voice of the Armed Forces radio, the distinguished host, Professor Ezzedine, courted Professor Elias Abdel Rahman, president of the Association of Journalists of Khartoum in the locality of Shendi, vice-president of the Association of Journalists of Khartoum in Nile State and director of the National Project of Family Production for Agricultural Development.

To talk about the initiative that will be launched next Saturday to clean up the environment and clean up the town of Shendi, under the full sponsorship of Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, executive director of the locality of Shendi.

Which aims to stimulate the spirit of cooperation and solidarity for the cleanliness of the city and to activate the societal and humanitarian role to join forces with the official effort to clean streets, neighborhoods and markets. Elias highlighted the role of media in motivation. and introduce the role of young people in social participation and increase the value of community participation in environmental protection and sustainable development.

He spoke about the role of the locality and the executive director in the sustainable partnership to support the rehabilitation and development project of the city, and stressed that the presence of the Media Association in this community is integrated through the feathers , the media and the arms of its membership on the ground..

He mentioned that the General Administration of Culture, Media and Communications of the locality of Shendi contributed to the strengthening of bilateral relations which unite it with the association. We see this action and it will continue in several areas of interest for the community of the city of. Shendi Elias made it clear that Shendi locality is making positive progress in providing advanced services. He listed the social and humanitarian axes and said that all of this was based on local adult leadership. He spoke of the Association's ability to activate community partnerships and public service organizations formed by the Shendi sub-association to support the announced project.

He concluded his speech on Popular Armed Forces Radio by emphasizing the importance of the role of the community and young people in the different neighborhoods to support the initiative and the major project which aims to revive the city of Shendi.

🟣Finally, Elias thanked all the efforts made to make this initiative a success as well as all the partnerships and participants, and he hoped that they would bear fruit and be the seed and cornerstone from which all initiatives and ideas carried by the locality, its leaders and the Khartoum Media Association in the locality of Shendi would be launched.

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