Healing the divide…by bringing together the determined and the people ✍️ Dr Heba Bit Arid

It is no longer just the tragedy of Sudan and the devastation that has befallen it, and the deaths, injuries, missing persons and displaced persons that he has witnessed. The parallel tragedy is this subterranean fracture that has caused cracks and rupture in the depths of the relations between the two countries. the people of the country. Even if military and security solutions can impose new realities on the ground, they are incapable of bridging the dangerous societal divide that has taken root in the souls and has become a disease that is difficult to cure.

It must be recognized that this disease is not specific to any nation, but rather a shared, nervous and instinctive disease that has led to torrents of bloodshed, to destructive wars unleashed by its motivations and to policies that often make it an incitement. when they awaken it in the collective feeling, knowing its inflammability. The tragic thing is that the feeling of historical oppression is transformed into a sacred belief, and from it emerge ideas that reformulate it using modern models to erase the dust of history and re-export and condition it as if it were coherent, even if to the ideas of modernity, and that its legitimacy is eternal and definitive!

Everyone agrees in theory that the water of a river does not flow twice, which means that one cannot bathe in the water of the river more than once, unless one bathes in a stagnant swamp, and what is worse, is life in a swamp in which the filth of history accumulates!

Intimacy towards oneself, hatred of others and fanaticism towards a race, religion, sect or team contradict all beliefs with human content, they rather kill the humanity of a person when they lead him to oppress others. It is the recognition of the differences that can arise between peoples and that can lead to bloody wars. The solution is to reconcile the warring parties. If this solution fails and one faction oppresses and oppresses another, then the oppressed must be supported. oppressive faction so that it reforms its position. Thus, reconciliation will be at the forefront and at the end.

To avoid the dangers of this deepening divide, the concept of tolerance appears as a high mountain that only great souls can climb, and our culture encourages it: “The goal of souls is too small for us to be hostile to it or devoted to it. Al-Mutanabbi does not lose sight of the need to show tolerance in order to end the state of humiliation and humiliation: “However, the youth face calamities like calamities but do not encounter humiliation.”

With optimism about the efforts made by the Arab countries and neighboring countries when they stood up to extinguish the war in Sudan, and although these efforts did not achieve their goal, they were considered in the category of attempts, what can be done now is to restore the opening of the doors of dialogue at the social, cultural and elite levels, when they fail or are disrupted. Dialogues between governments and official policies.

The Sudanese society, which was torn apart, was one unit yesterday, but it was fragmented when the sound of bullets rose above the voices of reason and wisdom, and today there seems to be an urgent need for a Sudanese conference to which wise and sensible people outside the battlefields will be invited, so that their conference will be an intellectual, cultural and humanitarian platform for all and the voice of the deep wisdom of the nation. This is the responsibility of the leaders, with all the diversity of their hearts. May the voices of these wise and conscious elites from all segments, sects and races of the nation be a cry of truth aimed at saving the nation, hoping that it will find an answer.

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