Health insurance emphasizes the importance of respecting the rights of subscribers to additional services

The Director General of the National Health Insurance Fund, Dr. Farouk Nour Al-Daim, ordered the technical committee for implementing the additional service to hold a daily meeting to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the service.

The meeting of the technical committee for the implementation of the additional service was chaired by Dr. Yesterday, Farouk Nour Al-Daim in Port Sudan reviewed the operations of reimbursing the amounts of services that the network subscriber did not obtain, which he carried out at a doctor or in other centers.

The Director General of the National Health Insurance Fund stressed the importance of respecting the rights of subscribers to additional services.

Confirmed Dr. Noor Al-Daim, making the service available in insurance centers in all 900 states.

The meeting approved the publication of a guide or booklet answering all questions related to the additional service, accompanied by the use of media and social networking sites to provide an overview of the service.

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